idc as long as it’s not coming to PC. Don’t need GTA online anyway.
idc as long as it’s not coming to PC. Don’t need GTA online anyway.
If you can’t afford living wages for your staff so they’re not dependant on tips, your store shouldn’t be open.
Happened to me a few weeks ago when I needed my backpack I normally use for festivals and found one of my favorite shirts in there, that I haven’t seen since August.
For me it ran 60+ fps in most places. The Rattay town square was something else though. There it often plummeted to 25 - 30 fps. With Kuttenberg being larger and more lively I wonder how well that’ll run. Though I’m not sure if the first game even used DLSS.
I’m seriously concerned. Had some games recently where 10 GB VRAM aren’t enough.
Edit: Found this graphic on their site
I’m royally screwed. 3840x1600 running a 5800X and a RTX 3080. Guess it will be an “experience”.
I guess Germans don’t have that answer because for a German “No scolding is praise enough.”
German detected.
It seems to be easier with the mouse. But iirc they later patched it for consoles to make lock picking easier because a lot of people struggled.
Last week I bought some items for dinner and the cashier said “looks like you’re making X”. She was right.
Not as bad as Tabasco. Or so I heard.
Been a little rough lately. I ended up playing about 6 games in the previous steam sale only to play each game max 5 hours, find it boring and buy something else with the hopes to find something that pumps out some dopamine. But it never does.
Easy. I only have black clothes. If there’s bleeding, I can’t see it.
I heard that one before. With the small, but important addendum of “as a friend”.
Sure thing. 🤗
sets down a pack of chips in front of your door, knocks and leaves silently
Idk, I always have a bottle of water at my bed. I mostly don’t need it, but depending on what I ate I empty the whole bottle during the night. And I hate getting up just to get something to drink.