People get their licenses revoked all the time. It is currently a privilege and has been for a while.
I’m just this guy, you know? Except on Lemmy.
Thanks to /u/crank0271 for the name
RIP Kbin.social
People get their licenses revoked all the time. It is currently a privilege and has been for a while.
Driving isn’t a right, it’s a privilege. And we determine who can drive by testing them to see if they know and will follow the rules.
Plus the old dude I saw today with shaking hands and an oxygen tube in his nose deserves to have an alternative where he won’t kill himself or others.
A big reason why I’m all for public transport is to get people off the road who shouldn’t be there in the first place so they’re out of my way when I’m driving.
Kind of like how I support new urbanism because it means less wilderness plowed under for suburbs, so I have more native habitat. I don’t want to live in a city, I just want most people to live in them so I can ve alone with my woodland friends.
I would be so happy if we had stringent driving tests like in Europe. Hell, I’d gladly be re-tested every year if it meant people knew which lane to use and what turn signals were for.
If I was serious I’d say no human is sane enough to drive.
No I let my exhaust do the singing. It’s like playing a really simple pipe organ.
They use them to focus on their phones, not the road
As a classically trained driver I’ve found automatics make people drive worse because they have to think less. And they already barely think.
Or buy 13 separate plots of land and move your hovel every other fortnight.
Still need to buy the land your hovel is on though
Very much not. For example the movie “Master & Commander” is based on a book but skips a lot of stuff.
That would require the democrats to actually do something
“Bones heal, chicks dig scars, and the United States of America has the best doctor to daredevil ratios in the world!”
Good news! The business owners have bribed their lackies in Congress to make worker owned companies illegal! Police will be arriving shortly to arrest you.
And they do it even if there’s not much difference between people. When I lived in Scranton I’d get asked what ethnic group I was a part of - Irish, Italian, Polish, Lithuanian, Welsh, etc.
To someone who didn’t grow up there I didn’t know what they were asking, but there was still in the early 00s different parts of town for different communities.
This all stopped when a significant Hispanic population moved in, and they stopped being Poles or Estonians and became “American” and the newcomers weren’t.
And JSON is pronounced “javascripton“
We are all the liquor on this blessed day
Florence is a storm demigod, confirmed
I was the DD for my girlfriend’s birthday party and went to a Florence and the Machine show. It was outdoors and as the show got started black storm clouds started rolling in.
When they started “The Dog Days Are Over” all hell broke loose. Sheets of rain, huge lightning bolts and cracking thunder loud enough to drown out the music and the crowd.
But Florence stood there, exposed to it all, diaphanous robes lashed by the wind, not even noticing it as she belted out her anthem. As if she had called down the storm for backup vocals.
I wasn’t a fan before but I am now.
That sounds idyllic