I’m salaried so I don’t have a lunch break. I work from home so I basically set my own hours as long as I can be contacted from about 10am to 3pm and go to any meetings I have scheduled.
I’m just this guy, you know?
I’m salaried so I don’t have a lunch break. I work from home so I basically set my own hours as long as I can be contacted from about 10am to 3pm and go to any meetings I have scheduled.
When I need to do stupid tasks like timesheets and emails I unplug. The lack of screen space means I don’t get distracted.
When I need to do hard work I dock my system and use my dual 4Ks to maximize visual bandwidth.
Which was when Slashdot was like BBS before the Eternal September
Just write a bash script to loop over them.
My neuropathy prevents me from forgetting things like that
If it helps I think it’s the one where he gets into a fight with his brother
The Kinks are better than The Beatles
Forrest like Gump or Forrest like Nathan Bedford?
Remind me of the Hammerhead Eagle i-Thrust
I drove a lady home from a party in NYC at like midnight, and I said “Oh, it’s only five miles that won’t be bad”
It took an hour to get there and back. I wasn’t really mad because she was cute and maybe into me but we could have walked that distance in the same amount of time.
They’re boosting their sign up numbers by putting porn behind it. I bet it’s not even that racy, they just know that humans are motivated by something potentially titillating
Nobody is going to re-certify a plant built on 1960s technology
Yeah, that’s why they’re re-starting one built on 1970s technology
I wouldn’t build a new power plant, but reactivating existing ones makes sense and is cheaper per GW than solar and reactivation has insignificant emissions.
I don’t think nuclear power was killed by NIMBYs, at least not entirely. In the 1970s and 80s the financial world started taking a much more short-term view. Nuclear power plants have such a huge up-front cost that you aren’t going to see returns for decades. When the market wants numbers to go up every quarter they’re not going to finance something that won’t make a profit for 20 years.
Yeah, but that’s not the decadence they’re talking about. They mean things like “feeling like yourself” and “having good sex.”
Imagine thinking decadence is a bad thing
He’s still got the weight of the heavens, just in his mind.
Also if I made something with “federation” I wouldn’t be surprised if a bunch of Trek nerds showed up
Yeah. There’s always a chance that a customer could have an issue on a weekend and then I’ve gotta fix it. Once I was on 27 hours of conference calls over a weekend. But as I’ve gotten better at my job those sorts of things happen less and less.
Honestly the worst part of my job is doing my timesheets and updating weekly status, but when the weather’s good I do that from my hammock with a cold beer in hand which makes it suck less.