Anyone with less capabilities of a medium sized nation-state will not be able to “just smash” an AWS datacenter.
Anyone with less capabilities of a medium sized nation-state will not be able to “just smash” an AWS datacenter.
Scribus has really good PDF support. It’s a full desktop publishing program (like InDesign), so it might not be the best for quick conversions. It does a really good job of PDF forms though.
Guy tried to enlist the boss’s brother in law to falsify work. “We don’t have to walk all the way up the mountainside to do the work, the client will never check it”. Then he went home, leaving said brother in law to do all the work by himself.
A week after getting fired, he called the boss about the performance bonus that was promised at the start of the contract.
My first vehicle was a 1971 Ford 3/4 ton. It was extremely reliable and tough. Having sat for most of the previous 30 years in a barn, it even looked good.
But it had all of the safety features of 1971. Power brakes the would lock up and throw you off the road if you more than thought about braking. Lap belts and a solid steel steering wheel to smash your teeth on. If you somehow hit the steering wheel hard enough to break it, you’d be impaled on the steel pipe steering column. Speaking of the steering, it didn’t have power steering, so if you hit a rut on a rough road, the steering wheel would spin out of control. You had to just let go of it until it stopped spinning lest it break your thumbs. Also, the gas tank was inside the cab behind the seat for extra car crash fun.
It was a beautiful death trap. I kinda wish I could have put it back into a barn for another 30 years instead of selling it.
Also, unless you’re one of those people who legitimately doesn’t care if food tastes good or not, learn to cook. You don’t have to be good a cooking everything, but develop a repertoire of food that is healthy and you like to eat.
The age where you could depend on a wife to be a good cook for you are long past.
Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
I think you’re massively overestimating what normal users are willing to do. Normal users aren’t going to install Linux because normal users don’t install operating systems. Other things normal users don’t do:
When the upgrade from windows 7 to 10 resulted in broken systems/applications, some normal users paid someone to fix it, but most bought a new computer.
In short, Linux is ready to replace Windows, but only in the cases where it’s sold preinstalled on supported hardware. Android, ChromeOS and Steamdecks are good examples of this.
Many people who aren’t vegan still choose free range eggs, organic beef, fair trade coffee and chocolate.
The 500 mile diet is absolutely a moral choice, even if it includes meat.
Albertans preferentially eating large amounts of Alberta beef is viewed as a virtue there. Veganism is viewed as immoral, unalbertan (amongst some communities).
Furries, to be sure, but atheists?
What “other side”? Vegans? I suppose there are some who are just sort of “cultural vegans” too, where they don’t have a moral stance, but are vegan because their friends or family are.
I’m not sure if maybe you’re reading more negativity in my comment than I meant. There’s certainly nothing wrong with animal welfare as a moral stance.
Because mercantilist wind turbine blades recycle themselves? Or did you mean to imply that communist wind turbines recycle themselves?
Veganism at its core is a moral stance. If not for the moral issues, these people would probably be vegetarian instead. That’s not to say that all vegans are the aggressive evangelist kind, but pretty much all vegans choose their diet out of moral concerns (in addition to health and environmental reasons).
It’s kinda the same though isn’t it? Opposition to nuclear power, opposition to wind, solar, geothermal, hydro. Seems like maybe what people want most of all is to stick their heads in the sand and just have everything stay the same forever. It was a multi-decade effort to get people off of leaded gas FFS.
red tape
Hey, those are the safety standards!
$ touch grass
Now what?
Redditors something something
I think you might be lost.
Depending on where you live, the environment hasn’t been this clean in decades. The '70s and '80s were nasty.
Believe it or not, also United States.
I’ll see your blame.css and raise you git blame somebody else
If you remember navigating with a compass and map, GPS is goddamned magical.