Yup that’s me. In Latin class I was very sick and I was too shy to interrupt the teacher and go to the infirmary and puked all over some guy’s backpack. He had to leave school with a trash bag containing what he could salvage from the mess.
Yup that’s me. In Latin class I was very sick and I was too shy to interrupt the teacher and go to the infirmary and puked all over some guy’s backpack. He had to leave school with a trash bag containing what he could salvage from the mess.
MO2 does work on Linux, I’ve played modded Skyrim extensively on my Steam Deck. Works like a charm! https://github.com/rockerbacon/modorganizer2-linux-installer
Two, both are quite firm
I don’t go for early access games anymore since the Starbound fiasco.
computer keyboards i will never understand paying more than 20 bucks for one
I left a long time ago already, nothing of value to be found there anymore.
All my fridge has at any given point are leftovers, cans of soda or beer, and various jars I’m too scared to open at this point.
I raise you a Banania
…Truth be told, it’s fucking delicious.
Oh you’re right, I don’t know why I assumed otherwise…
I do that for open-source videos games, I pay for the steam version to support the creators (Dwarf Fortress and Cataclysm : Dark Days Ahead for example). I’m totally fine with it, as long as it’s a one-time fee, no subscription bullshit.
Or at least use an environment variable, it’s not a good practice to have it written in plaintext in your code.
Probably not a good idea to show your API key to everyone…
For me it will always be synonymous to extreme sports, i’m always picturing Jesus and Santa Claus doing sick snowboard tricks
Did the pope ended up playing Undertale? That’s the only thing I know about Mat.
My guess would be it’s a side-effect, kind of like pareidolia. Us being extremely social animals, so much that being cast away from the tribe in our hunter-gatherer days would spell certain death, our brains have become extremely attuned to face/emotion recognition and language. So we have a tendency of using words to express ideas, even to ourselves.
I’ll wait until other countries validate the findings, or until someone makes a working prototype, before getting excited. Seems like it’s one of those “too good to be true” stories like the LK-99. Hype in tech and science almost always leads to disappointment.