I don’t get the point of posts such as these. If you find this relatable, seek help.
I don’t get the point of posts such as these. If you find this relatable, seek help.
I’ve never used voicemail. It’s mostly an American thing that I’m too European to comprehend.
It’s a relief when stryopyro uploads, because that means he is still alive.
I was essentially banned from the kitchen when I was a kid, so I learned to cook and bake as an adult. It’s cooking, not jedi training, you cannot age out of learning it.
So instead of lamenting the fact that our society has little to no support for the elderly you decide to attack people who have no children, and decide they are sociopaths?
Now now, let’s not kinkshame.
Everything is a chemical concotion dipshit. Even you.
Processing ultra processed meat even further? Even for poverty food this is too much.
Oh shit it’s the meme police.
“My political beliefs allow me to be a jerk to people”.
What is the one thing men want? Vintage video game consoles? 40k miniatures? Old cookbooks? Because I’m a man and I want all of these things.
OOPs picture is clearly a photoshopped porkchop. Who even bothers with making this shit.
Man I love Flatpaks.
Two semi transparent noses, actually.
If you have no savings and safety nets, then yes, continue to grind away at a shit job until you do. Posting misery porn on social media is not good for your mental health or the mental health of everyone else.
Call it what it is - copyright infringement. Piracy is the act of robbery on the high seas, but we’ve allowed media companies to take a shit in our vocabularies so we can’t call things by their proper names.
Looks at UTorrent happily leeching away
Looks at camera
P.K. Dick’s novels were not an instructional manual, dammit :(
Watch me fuck off from the platform at the speed of light - I am already halfway from going full “fuck it, let’s pretend it’s '99” and hanging out on phpbb forums and Neocities.
Go straddle a buzzsaw you pretentious fucknugget.