Meep :3
They/Them, also “It” when a critter I like is being cute ior affectionate about it :3 Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp
Hates this world, hates being stuck in it. Needs rescuing, needs understanding. Not happening. Only misery and extension of said misery happening.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 26th, 2023


  • I see the matters as connected: I figure people who flip out about “antisemitism” at anything even mildly unfriendly to Israel are serving (deliberately or not) to defend, justify, or even glorify its vile actions. That is, I think it’s not “zomg those poor pixel Jews!” but rather “Shhh, don’t talk like people are fighting against the IDF for a reason! (Let’s just accept that they’re all horrible evil sub-humans who must to be exterminated for the good of our wonderful, beloved friends and allies!)”

  • Thanks for the information. I really didn’t know about that attack and was on my way out at the time so I was more reacting to generalities and what was right in front of me.

    I don’t mean to suggest that anything and everything should be socially acceptable as freeze peach, just that I feel some people are being disingenuous and should be expected to point out an actual problem like “Look here, the rewards you get vary based on the racial and religious background of every civilian you kill!” Killing civilians who happen to be present regardless of other matters is murder. Killing opposing military personnel regardless of other matters is battle. Killing people because they’re Jewish is murderous antisemitism. Not wanting something seen doesn’t make it a crime… but I think some people are so stuck picking sides that even mention that there’s another point of view offends them 🤷

    That said, could be Hamas is pure evil for all I know and there’s just no way to present anything they do without it being disgusting. I just… bleh, maybe it’s an autism thing. There’s a nit there that I can’t help but pick 😅 I want more sincerity and sense in this world.

  • The wording of the complaints has me wondering if the game actually does anything “wrong” by the normal standards of video gaming. Like, does it actually glorify violence specifically against Jews? Is there some mission objective to butcher a bunch of civilians? I glance at the Steam page and it looks like the political statement its creator claims it is.

    I’m pretty sick of this “anything that isn’t hardcore pro-Israel is antisemitic terrorism” horsecrap. Either care about human life or don’t, don’t BS me and everyone else like the acts and atrocities committed in video games suddenly matter when characters who happen to be (presumed) Jews are involved.

  • I’m a weird critter and play things differently from most, I think 😅 My greatest fun tends to be alting hard, trying nearly every imaginable build. Beat up the same jerkwad thirty times just to try out all’ the toys, that kind of thing :3 I did get annoyed at having to wait for the map to open up but I replay beginnings so many times anyway… 🤷 I wanna go back to CP77 pretty badly, too 😅 Am stuck on a laptop that I can’t imagine running it playably but even just driving around was fun for me. Helped me through a rough patch a night or two, actually.

    Also liked how well-done the story bits felt, though maybe that’s partly because I was told they’re really good and just expected them to be 🤷 I do remember some bits fondly, though.

  • Wow, so many posts 😵‍💫 Sooo I think I’ll be the one to mention Elder Scrolls Online ^.^ I’ve got 1800 hours in that and miss it pretty bad v.v Am stuck on a laptop that can’t run it (nor much else) playably :-\ Anyway, it’s got many things to do. Three faction storylines, lots of side stuff (everything can be played at any level; people will take low-level characters into Trials and not even worry about it), crafting, character build funs deeper and more interesting than they seem, just plain wandering around peekifying all’ the Elder Scrolls places… Idunno, it just somehow kept me of all critters hooked for quite a while, which is very odd. I tend to get bored of things realquick 😅

    I only have 800 hours in it but I suppose I can second (or, well, nth) Warframe? 😅