Something about this felt wrong but I looked it up, and…. Nope. You’re absolutely correct! Damn. I had thought the classics were much faster than that, but a 1964 mustang only topped out at around 100mph.
Something about this felt wrong but I looked it up, and…. Nope. You’re absolutely correct! Damn. I had thought the classics were much faster than that, but a 1964 mustang only topped out at around 100mph.
That’s actually not a bad idea!
That’s a hard pitch to a platform known to be unflinchingly rigid about maintaining their wind tunnels.
Yeah. Kinda falls in a grey area of colloquialism. I wouldn’t say it comes off as friendly on its own.
It’s more… neutral? Either way…. Didn’t mean to split hairs.
“No time for pleasantries” isn’t a pleasantry. It’s just a statement.
They must have thought that admin defending a troll was the last straw as well.
This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. 😀
It’s actually: “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
But that’s where all the funny shit is. The collective .ml take on most things is comedy gold!
Your entire comment history reads like a cautionary tale of what happens when you deny a child the attention they crave.
I’ve seen people banned with “liberal” being the reason.
So? It’s the same .ml users complaining.
You’re absolutely right that I ignored it. Because it’s an absurd take and therefore I dismissed it.
I’ve said it already- but I guess it did’t sink in:
Loneliness is a part of being human and exists within ALL cultures, races, governments, wealth brackets, employment statuses, genders, and ages.
End of story.
And ad hominem is?
Not at all! I am just able to recognize a futile argument against ignorance before it happens. And as a rule, I don’t exercise futility. It’s a thing that comes with age.
You were probably banned from .ml. because speaking against the hive there falls within their vague “everything we don’t like is a rule 1 violation!”
Rofl! Yeah… I’m done.
Capitalism is responsible for loneliness now??
No, loneliness is a side effect of being human. You think there aren’t lonely people living under socialism? Under communism? Or any other types of governments and socioeconomic systems?
For fuck’s sake. When people blame everything on capitalism, it dilutes the water of any real argument you may eventually have.
Fair point.