Mfg, Nerd, #Entgineer, & #GladScientist, 🛸lifting minds to otherworldly realms with the power of physics 👽 #BecomeABeliever #GoForADryV #SeeTheLight
Some mods have CSS/automod set up where if you’re not subscribed, you can’t post. This is actually against reddit’s own TOS, mods are not allowed to break site functionality to gain views, clicks, or participation, but the admins let it slide because it results in higher subscription counts.
Yes yes yes yes yes
Raid1 that thing and sleep easier. Good on you for having a cold spare, and knowing to buy your drives at different locations/times to get different batches. Your head is in the right place! No reason to leave that data unprotected if you have the underlying tech and hardware.
That’s what they use to resurface ice
This is called overrun and is the main way you get shorted on product. More overrun means a creamier feeling product, but it also means you get less. So there’s that.
No one likes their x
All of this stuff is usually fit onto a single board, crammed into a very specific amount of space, and is thoroughly and iterated until it works properly. This isn’t the kind of stuff a home lab does, but you could certainly try. I think it would be damn near impossible to do it better and more reliably than teams of hundreds or thousands of various engineers. It’s not like you can just take a phone CPU and slap it on a random board without a ton of forethought.
I usually refer to this chart :)
I took the time to dress the back of my desk, and all cables are routed appropriately, but there are SO many of them it still looks like spaghetti.
How my FPS game is, now that I’m older.
Well, damn. You’re right. I must rescind the point distribution.
You have Cocoa Puffs and Corn Pops combined, I’m going to give you 2 points for that.
At least you spent yours on something scientific in nature.
Only a matter of time before they can’t get any because we wasted such a limited resource on vanity instead of the pursuit of science.
That is a government spy drone that ran out of batteries
I’ve had more than one place tell me “we only take reservations through the app” when calling. It’s not for lack of effort, for many.
Replacing all your tools and machines is super easy, though. /s
FWIW I only work in metric, Imperial is utter trash, tbh.
What are your thoughts and feelings about whalers on the moon