Unfortunately those bastards have a more accessible address on the open web that anyone could reasonably use, with or without a VPN to hide their traffic from their ISP. Apparently it’s also listed by Wikipedia. RAPSCALLIONS!
Unfortunately those bastards have a more accessible address on the open web that anyone could reasonably use, with or without a VPN to hide their traffic from their ISP. Apparently it’s also listed by Wikipedia. RAPSCALLIONS!
Well, fuck the professor and or the school on this case. I would have encouraged you to make an official FTC complaint. Too bad that may not be around for much longer.
There’s been a qr code reader app available in the store since 2008. It woulda been doable.
Don’t use LibGen.is - it undermines the publishing industry by distributing copyrighted content without permission. It has many text books available for free. This reduces publishers’ ability to pay authors, fund peer review, and invest in quality academic resources. Support legal access options instead.
Well, I’d think you’d test that model with living authors with similar inputs and make comparisons and then refine the process till nobody can tell the difference. We’ll never get all the way there, but I bet we’ll get far enough that we won’t be able to tell the difference.
As for when… Who knows?
I run up against that with my kiddos, so I just show them how to get answers and how to learn. When they get older, I’ll teach them more about vetting sources and sussing out misinformation. I already have taught them as much about that as I can for their age.
I’ve had this very exact thought. I think the urge to tell the story of the world is parental instinct.
Whenever the kiddos ask a question, I don’t stop answering and describing until they get bored… Sometimes beyond that.
This is great, but where’s the post from one month later where this fool is begging for work after being fired?
DDLC. It was a free dl, and I never played anything like it, so I figured I’d see what everyone was on about. It was surprisingly short!
Huh, I thought he was critical in making the case. I’m no political historian tho.
IIRC, Biden championed that, right?
It would make him SO famous.
Living in Ohio I’ll just stand in the vortex. That’s enough for me.
I loved the movie children of Men. It was very interesting. You might like it too. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0206634/
You’re giving the vegans ideas now. Lol.
No, it wasn’t pronounced shitheeeed, it was pronounced shit head. Specifically. Different person. Loved the video though!
At the time, I had a qr reader on my android. You’re right about the teachers though, 100%. Also, not enough students would have had smartphones to be able to actually do that.