Key word for now
I like where this is going
Key word for now
I like where this is going
You can’t just say it and not show it, here’s mine (that I’m absolutely proud of) https://codeberg.org/quazar-omega/dwag-and-dwop (live site)
What if the devil is a programmer?
Would explain a lot of things actually
Tinder MMO huh? You may be onto something…
But, if you want my opinion, I want 15%
You don’t have to turn text into a path if you just change color, opacity and blur percentage of it
Oh, well there’s 2 ways mainly:
Filters > Shadows and Glows > Drop Shadow
, more crude, but it works if your needs stay within what the filter can doOh I see, but anyways, I was referring to the opposite, I was curious why you didn’t make it all with Inkscape rather than the opposite
Used to, but now that I realise what the real hell is, i.e. collaboration with others who might (and will) have different ideas about how code should be formatted, I’d rather leave that job to an autoformatter, too much mental overhead for little gain when there’s a tool that can enforce a single style across the whole codebase with a simple command, or better yet, a git hook. If anyone complains I can point to the tool and say “sorry, take it up with it, not me”
Really cool!
Can I ask what you used GIMP for in this piece? Was there something you couldn’t do easily within Inkscape?
Haven’t seen those, do you have a link? I’m curious to see others like this
I know who made this included React and HTML specifically to trigger us programmers, to that I say… well played >:(
Support your teachers trying to be fun, at least it shows they care enough to put in more effort.
Also I’m curious how she managed to slide in Twilight references of all things in a programming class lol
I’m disappointed that I misunderstood the topic of that community
Because they’re small, smaller than short people
Oh, can’t really try that since it requires root, but that’s really cool!
KDE Connect can get you most of the way there, unfortunately you won’t be able to auto sync the clipboard from the phone to the PC due to an Android limitation (the other way around works instead), but you can still manually send it over. For example, to make it easier to access, I added the tile for sending it in the quick settings
Ah interesting, is the process more automated with it?
So I’m assuming your drives are not encrypted, right?
I think the cool kids are using Nu now