Cripple. History Major. Irritable and in constant pain. Vaguely Left-Wing.
non-maga right wing
How many of those are left? Two, three?
I remember before 2016, I had respect for some right-wing folk online who, while far from agreement with me, I regarded as simply legitimately misguided (in a “Free markets because gubmint bad”) kind of way.
It was… eye-opening to see how many of them went mask-off in the Trump years, and how fast and fiercely they did it.
The continuous US states are 8,080,460 square kilometres.
Europe is 10,186,000 square kilometres.
In what world is that “not far off”?
We have vacation days?
“all of Europe could fit inside the 48 continental states alone” - are you sure about that, fam?
Not far off.
I can’t be certain of that until I try it
Someone shroom my lazy ass up
Any other sources for this? Not for the job cutting, but for GoG’s business model going downhill? Haven’t big layoffs happened every few years since the start of GoG?
It’s funny. This was my relationship with my mother for most of my life, with as little ‘telling her anything’ as I could. Now we’re both in therapy and have a much better relationship.
He was arrested for US healthcare’s sins.
Human beings are fragile creatures. Big corps generally don’t need to make the big effort of a murder and a cover-up when they can almost completely legally harass people into taking their own lives.
To that end? Get a good therapist and a psych. Preferably not on workplace insurance, if such a thing is feasible for the situation.
Blade of Darkness was kickass
Damn who got that kind of money
Sure, as soon as we all agree on what form of government to have and what actions it should take, or at least the point at which we are all willing to not take up arms in opposition against it, we can get rid of these artificially conceived borders.
The thing is, it’s not even what’s depicted in the comic. The media constantly softballed Trump. While some of his success, especially initially in 2015/16, can be attributed to “No publicity is bad publicity”, the fact also is that the media at large was unwilling to call out Trump’s bullshit for what it was, because it would lose them part of their viewer base for very little gain. God, the number of people - including liberal leaning people - who did not know or did not understand various aspects of the promises of the Trump campaign and the actions of the Trump administration last time is just… astounding.
and fixate instead on a handful of retaliatory strikes against US interests.
Downplaying 9/11 as one of ‘a handful of retaliatory strikes against US interests.’
The Battle of Mogadeshu, which involved Black Hawk helicopters obliterating Somali mosques with hellfire missiles.
Not even vaguely what fucking happened.
The brutal occupation of the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, from 1992 to 2001 as a US-backed narco-state.
Fucking all of this.
The entire Iran-Iraq War, sponsored by US arms dealers and double-dealing diplomats, which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Arab and Persian young people.
That we sold to both sides of the Iran-Iraq War is undeniable; the idea that the war itself was our fault and that 9/11 is just ‘blowback’ for that is fucking insane.
The occupation of Saudi Arabia by a western-backed military dictatorship going back nearly a century.
Christ, I don’t even know where to begin.
The violent overthrow of democracies from Indonesia to Egypt in pursuit of neoliberal international trade policy.
We were involved in the violent overthrow of many democracies throughout the years, this I agree on. But funny enough, Egypt isn’t one of them. So this had potential to be a good point, but failed by being posted by someone utterly detached from reality.
9/11 didn’t happen in a vacuum any more than the Brian Thompson assassination or the aborted coup in South Korea. These have long historical tails that trace back to a geopolitical policy that’s racked up a staggering death toll.
'Whatabout’ing 9/11 by implicitly arguing against it as a ‘violent act of terrorism’ as originally quoted, and then trying to justify it by the implicit comparison of 9/11 with the French fucking Revolution of the oppressed lower classes finally striking back against their oppressor.
Do you really not see any of these as objectionable.
Jesus fucking Christ. Utterly unhinged.
Probably on DB0.
What’s that old JFK quote? Those who make peaceful change impossible make violent revolution inevitable?
The state draws its legitimacy from the social contract. When people no longer feel like the social contract is beneficial to them or to society - ie as one might feel with a healthcare system that is 100+ years out of date and has received one (1) bandaid for normal folk in the past 50 years - the state can no longer expect individuals to uphold their end of the social contract (adherence to laws, norms, and peaceable conduct).
This doesn’t mean “the overthrow of the government is coming tomorrow”, but rather means that the social contract is beginning to fray, and a failure of those in power to recognize and accede to that fact (by making major concessions) will result in this sort of incident continually intensifying until… well, until the social contract is gone to a large swathe of people, and then at that point, the overthrow of the government will be imminent, for better or worse.
All interactions between state and citizen are implicitly negotiated. Negotiations require leverage. Violence has always been a form of leverage. But assassinations are far more powerful leverage than riots.
The government may not negotiate with terrorists, but corporations are absolutely terrified of them. Do with that information what you will. :)
There are a ton of different year calendars. The BC/AD calendar is very much a Western/Western-derived thing, stemming from a Catholic Christian estimation. It’s convenient, because it got widespread, but it’s only one system of many.
Many ancient systems judged the date by the regnal year of the ruler, ie “Third year of the rule of Agum the Third”. It’s much less convenient for figuring out when something happened than systems that continuously count from a single starting year, but exact chronologies of events in the distant past were less important for most people.