Unpopular opinion: Instead of being a fighter for social justice, it could have been just some rando hitman hired by an even richer rival. Guy then was spirited away on the next private flight to Mauritius or wherever.
Unpopular opinion: Instead of being a fighter for social justice, it could have been just some rando hitman hired by an even richer rival. Guy then was spirited away on the next private flight to Mauritius or wherever.
They’re selling spaying spray?
Surviving in love, surviving in hate
We still have to die, there can be no escape
Clock in, clock out, forty hours a week
Our lives being spent with no real truth to speak
(Sung by the guy who hung himself at age 40 to the sound of Sean Lennon’s “Into The Sun.” Don’t try this at home, kids.)
'Member that song “74-75” by The Connells? That was a big hit in the Nineties.
We’re now at 31 years after the release of this single and 49 years after the class of 1975 graduated.
“I am a fox,” said the fox.
“Please - tame me!”
Yeah, I’ve had a realization a few days ago when I checked out about a dozen songs that had north of 10 million views on YT, but I’ve never heard of them, at all, or of the artists behind them. And all of those were from some 10 years ago. So I guess my taste in music is kind of frozen in time and I’ve been trying for a while to complete collections of “old” artists rather than getting to know new ones.
I do get occasional inspiration from the folks at I Love Music, though.
Don’t know much about history… Don’t know much palaeontology…
They are now putting laughing gas in energy drinks, as I found out recently. It’s also in whipped creme which might be one reason people are all over it.
I’m loving it. So much better than CO2. Also makes for good social commentary.
Maybe I’m missing something here, but plenty of folks - blue collar workers, technicians, engineers - have away jobs where they work in different places for weeks or months at a time, and there are landlords who specialize in providing this clientele with bare-bones furnished apartments. I’ve been there, too - in fact, one year during the pandemic, I had spent just a bit more than half of my time working and living in a place away from home.
Breakup version:
Rachel and I are dating again.
Well, not each other, but still…
No, it’s Ocho!
The number of people who will get the reference can be counted on one hand, probably.
Marty would go back to 1994 and play smells like teen spirit at the high school dance
That surely would have made for a different vibe…
The late Jim Shepard would have been my recommendation, bit I might be biased.
Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face by a gorilla.
♫ It’s true that all the men you knew were dealers who said they were through
being dealers every time you gave them shelter
I know that kind of man, it’s hard to hold the hand of anyone
who’s reaching for the sky just to surrender ♪
(originally by Leonard Cohen, of course)