She went to the HD remaster salon to make more foot money.
She went to the HD remaster salon to make more foot money.
Sure, Mr. Penguin, come right in. Can I offer you a… fish?
Sounds like a storage medium issue. Bit rot.
I’ve been keeping an eye on Linux since the late 90s. It took me not having to use any non-Linux software or hardware on the computer in question. Currently I have two laptops running Linux, one has Windows in case I need it (which so far has turned out to be never), and I have a workstation that has Linux as a secondary OS but I’m always in Windows on that one because of software and hardware.
Serves him right. Fifa playing asshole.
But it would take me a couple of hours to figure that out.
You can do that if they were in need of a polish. It’s just a bit difficult to aim directly into the wallet when they’re done.
Pour the change into your mouth, put the bills neatly in your wallet, then put the coins in the wallet whenever they’ve lost their flavor.
I know what gooning is, and I know what a boss is. But I don’t see the connection there. What am I missing?
When I was young we were masturbating.
When I studied at the uni 5 years ago we only collaborated over Google Docs. I’d strongly recommend online collaboration over sending files back and forth. For most things I ran Linux, and booted into Windows when there was a particular need for it, which wasn’t often. But it all depends on what software you’re expected to run during your studies. If you have room on your drive maybe having a minimal Windows install along side Linux could be a good thing?
Also, I’d recommend a distro that comes out of the box with working BTRFS snapshots. The last thing you want is have the machine you rely on for school shit the bed due to a bad update or something you do, and you have to learn how to repair Linux in the middle of an assignment that’s due tomorrow. With snapshots you can just roll back to before it shat the bed.
Oh shit. Tits explains s lot.
Paiden? That’s a weird one. Payme on the other hand, now that’s a good name.
Sure, and while I think that’s a good idea, it’s not really the same thing. Even though a rich person is more likely to drive a more expensive vehicle, you can have wealthy people driving sensible cars (especially the really wealthy) and lower income idiots, I mean people, having saved up and taken out ridiculous loans to get their expensive dream car that they can’t afford. Confiscating those two vehicles would be the complete opposite of equality in terms of financial pain.
AFAIK, of the Scandinavian countries it’s only Finland that has that system.
I notice immediately when I sit on mine. And everyone else in the room notices too due to the sound I make.
This is not 'Nam, there are rules.
Yup. And not just fines imo. For instance, a cop who rapes or blatantly assaults someone, especially on duty, should have their sentence at least doubled due to the power dynamics.
Is bussin’ related to bussy?