That’s just the total message limit for one chat
That’s just the total message limit for one chat
I’m just wondering why everyone is misspelling ‘keming’
Funny, but most heat of reentry is caused by generated plasma as opposed to air resistance (though that is also a component). There is an excellent Scott Manley video about this topic
Claims not to need active internet connection
If your computer can connect to the network, then network devices can connect to your computer. A switch just allows there to be more devices, all connected to the same network.
Interesting, whenever I would make it it would always come out kind of thicker and brownish, especially as it stood around (oxidation I guess). Probably varies by the kind of apple, but the more ‘natural’ kinds I have found at the store also tend to be pretty brown, certainly not clear.
Pure apple juice is not clear, it has to be specifically processed to be that way
Small form factor computers are a lot easier with water cooling. That way the GPU can be put right next to the motherboard, and the CPU radiator moved away from that area.
Free and Open Source Software
(free as in freedom)
If you just double the bet every time you lose you’ll eventually make it all back
Most of the useful things in milk are there because we artificially added them in. There is no real reason for this, it’s just what we have been doing for a long time
Not sure if you’re serious, but as someone who graduated a US high school just a few years ago, yes young people actually do care about stupid things like this. Real otherwise completely normal seeming people discriminate based on bubble color.
So you’re the reason we had separate sections for genders and known partners weren’t allowed to sit together
Insider info or massive coincidence?
Then why have I been separating the recycling into whites and coloreds
Yeah that’s fair enough. Are there any free as in freedom solutions that allow you to sync progress through videos on multiple devices? If I’m watching some long video over multiple days it’s really convenient to easily switch it between all my devices, and have it automatically continue where I left off
There are ways of making money without damaging society.