This better not awaken anything in me.
This better not awaken anything in me.
I set up a filter to block any post title with “Elon Musk” but stuff like this will still get through though. Lemmy is obsessed with him.
Because I’m not interested in trading one echo chamber for another. Also, sports and music.
It’s sad most people don’t believe this. Team blue isn’t your friend. As you said, every once in a great while they might do something that’s in your best interest. But it’s more likely it’s in their best interest and coincidentally also in your interest.
Sorry, I was taking a shit that day.
I have no idea what you mean. No clue what this perfection is you speak of. I made a pretty bland comment. Don’t look for depth.
He would not see Luigi as a hero. He would see him as a necessary evil. Much like himself. Huge difference.
It’s one thing for this to happen, shrug, and not give a shit. It’s another to glorify this guy.
It happened. I’m not upset about it. But this Luigi cat isn’t my hero.
Good call. If you have to vomit, you’re already in the appropriate room.
If you guys keep thinking you’ve won every debate, always have the correct opinion on everything, and don’t prove it because you think you don’t have to defend any position because all you do is demonize your opponent, that’s how you lose elections to orange reality TV stars.
Keep up the smugness. Enjoy republican rule.
Ya got me.
Haha this meme is so Lemmy. “me good guy you bad guy”.
Old and busted: class war
New hotness: culture war
Please keep spreading this narrative. Gotta keep housing prices down. Got an awesome price on my new house several years ago.
My dear doctor, they’re all true. Especially the lies.
Fucking lol. Thanks for that.
That’s enough from you. You’ll think as we tell you. Now start hating innovation because it may steal work from “artists”.
Probably true enough, but I’m sure there are a few that are a mixed bag.
So what does bullying taste like?