Canada isnt a significant threat to US manufacturing, so why the tariffs on Canada?
China would make sense, but Canada? Why?
Canada isnt a significant threat to US manufacturing, so why the tariffs on Canada?
China would make sense, but Canada? Why?
I hate this ‘theyre dividing us’ nonsense. The division is done. Has been for a long time. One side wants to pull the world back to the 11th century. The other wants people to have fundamental rights.
There is no reaching across the aisle anymore nor should there be.
‘I want to go home but I’m already home’ is peak anxiety and depression experience.
This is just the live action version of the Saddam meme.
“Not too expensive”
“$50 an hour”
For a lot of people, thats too expensive.
Same. Of course there are sacrifices but I still enjoy my life and can do things. Work is what saps me the most and I love my job.
Its a fetish where people dress up as sheep and eat grass. He enjoys it for the carnal pleasure but it makes him feel dead inside, highlighting the inner struggle of percieved morality in life.
Have you talked to your SO about how that makes you feel?
There more boomers on Lemmy now than before?
You do you, dont get me wrong. Just seen a lot more facebookish posts on here lately.
Dont ask why it looks like a crack pipe.
Implying Americans know what the metric system is.
Wont even touch my migraines. Ibuprofen is the only thing Ive found that works. Ive had them since childhood.
Ibuprofen is for my migraines only. Nothing else touches those damn things.
On a human timescale? No.
On a cosmic timescale? Hell yeah.
Thats a pretty weak argument my dude.
Im sitting here in Canada just learning these exist in the first place.
I dont care if your wife’s laptop is a year old, you shouldnt marry minors and you should definitely know her age for sure, you sick fuck.
Ok but why not use the original and not the jpeged to fuck version?