House flipper
On gamepass, and tha fully on gamepass because od never spend actual money on that game.
House flipper
On gamepass, and tha fully on gamepass because od never spend actual money on that game.
Olive, the other reindeer, used to laugh and call him names.
Because coffee is fucking delicious. At least good coffee is. No one drinks most dont drink coffee for the caffeine, it’s for the taste and warmth.
Edit: citation is my ass. You all coffee haters in here?
If it’s just you being immortal, loss of all family, and friends, and loss of new friends, rinse repeat forever. Eventualdieyoull watch society collapse and regrow (possibly), and the planet will die. Immortality is forever after all. Then you’re left alone on a deserted dead planet. Electronics you have will eventually break and fade away to time. The sun will grow and die off, and it’ll burn because you’re immortal but still stuck on a planet that’ll get enveloped, eventually. Living forever would be terrible unless it was forever until you died of something physical, just not age and illness.
I’m down for better graphics and 4 player coop, if it’s done well. I don’t want single player to be impossible because it needs coop, and I don’t want coop to be simple because it’s designed for single player. Needs to scale well.
Too bad the trailer is all cgi and not gameplay. Can’t wait otherwise. Is this xbox exclusive?
I still play this game when ive got nothing else to play.
80 people who are doing a bang-up job, i might add.
I mean, if she’s good at her job…
That’s part of the enshitifcation process.
My current job, I asked what the pay was, they said 'you tell us what it should pay".
So I asked what the range was, and they said “thats not how this works, you tell us what you want” so I said a highish number for me at the time. They’re like “ok, that works”.
Turns out I make 40% less than all my co workers because I didn’t know what the range was commonly for this role. Theor game let me lowball myself. It’s completely BS.
Are you telling me the swotch 2 is literally the same and switch 2 games will be switch compatible 1?
Or will they simply release switch games for both consoles, like ps4 and ps5 releases?
Yep, just like the ps5 was just an upgrade and plays all ps4 games.
I personally would by a ps6 in a heartbeat, and likely the switch 2. I’ve bought an Xbox one which I sold after the dust on it got too much, and a series x whoch also never gets turned on. 2 gen burns in a row is enough for me to exclude it from my console purchase next gen.
Especially when 90% of the features etc can be done on a $200 quest 2 or a $600 quest 3.
Almost, in camada, adult would half money bar set to 50% max
I’m not sure. Personally, I’ll look for a debloater script to delete that entirely if I see it.
It always happens because of greed. All of history.