This looks very similar to my MacBookPro 2013 but running on endeavourOS
Just don’t try to install the patched proprietary nvidia drivers on recent kernel and relay on nouveau. Then all works pretty good so far
😮but definitely enough RAM
This looks very similar to my MacBookPro 2013 but running on endeavourOS
Just don’t try to install the patched proprietary nvidia drivers on recent kernel and relay on nouveau. Then all works pretty good so far
😮but definitely enough RAM
I will eat a shitton of acid 😆
You can self host anything like this, all you need is buying a domain and set something up like DynDNS which updates the entry of the domain with your new IPv4 as soon as it changes.
I would recommend to not open your services to public, but set up a wireguard (or other VPN) endpoint in your home, which you then use to access all your services.
I think, an alternative to that would be some servicees from tailscale or cloudflare, I suppose
That is the fun part 😏
For those who don’t have the spare time 🤭
Yea, I first read the article wrong and thought fedora marketed it as official
You are right! I read that wrong
There was an official flatpak and fedora repackaged it into their own flatpak repo “poorly” which OBS did not like, because there where issues that OBS team could not resolve like this
Edit: fact check correction
😆 yea, I showed and let him play Rubiks Games (abandoned ware that I played in school (yea, fun teacher) in ~2006) that I got to run via proton and it was exactly the same! As soon as I point on something to tell him about it, his reflexes kick in and I have a new fingerprint on my 4k, lol
Umm no. Xorg only knows keyboard and pointer devices
Everything must be put into one of those in hacky ways to work with Xorg, meaning you using a protocol for a device that can move itself, scroll and register clicks and keyboard to multitouch efects
This, for example, results in swiping on Xorg is just clicking a keyboard shortcut, while in wayland you can smoothly scroll for and back between the virtual desktops mid animations
I did, before I knew what wayland is, I did some distrohopping (see path below), and recognised that sometimes it feels more nice than other times. First I thought it was just GPU driver stuff, but later learned that it was something called wayland that does something underneath your desktop management (didn’t know that there is another layer below at that time)
(mint->manjaro->manjaro(after it died once)->Opensuse TW(after manjaro died again)->Arch(because I liked installing from AUR more than from suse community hub)->EndeavourOS(because I don’t have time to do Arch manually and archinstall was to difficult/time consuming with dualbooting macOS)
Well that is fair and I am very glad that Linux still offers you what you need and that you are fine with using X and have (still) more compatibility like this 😇
Windows 10 doesn’t feel like a modern OS…
Do you use a modern kernel? And, do you use a multi touch trackpad? That only works on wayland well.
I personally see the difference in for example window movement Xorg VS wayland. And I have more artefacts from window manager if use Xorg BS when O use wayland.
Uff, great, so I still have 3 to 4 years to teach it to my son
Thanks for that age recommendation 🫡
Was feared he’s already behind
And then wonder why everybody having a good time with their nvidia on smooth wayland vs you on your ancient, ok now only old Kernel since the last ubuntu upgrade, and outdated nvidia drivers.
Oh wait, with mint, you are forced to use clunky Xorg aren’t you
I am sure that gives any noob the vibes of using a modern OS like windows/macOS /s
Newbies can not handle apt and just random deb they find in the internet and wonder why linux is so tedious to update
Most noobs I know did not understand what repo management means and are just copy pasting terminal cammands like a madlad or running random bash script with sudo because the developer thought it was the easiest way to get noobs to add their repo
I prefer giving noobs a single place of truth, if no flatpak available, like:
Those guys should just role with a Tumbleweed
No scary terminal required
Just do not get scared by YaST
And don’t forget Packman repo
And always use either flatpak or search here to find “single click” file that needs to be double clicked (lol) to install it using YaST
You can migrate without downtime from one proxmox host to the other