You used Tiktok as an example for something that is more interesting than learning. (Of course it’s more interesting than learning, it’s digital crack cocaine.)
Send them a head of white cabbage every week (can use an online grocery service.
If you have access to their dwelling, put all their bedroom furnitures in the living room
I don’t know about you, but my school did the best it could. Some adults might even say what you said about society in general - infinite resources to harm and burden, etc. People usually try their best, your teachers too. Maybe you’ll grow up to be a teacher and you’ll be better at it than the ones you had. Good luck!
Please don’t learn about how Hitler died through Tiktok. Befriend your librarian and read it in a book.
We’re just interested to see if there are statistics around that support your claim that
20 percent of hexbears user base is trans.
Don’t you mean, you tried to sook it up?
No, I don’t mind you asking. When it comes to talking about race relations in Europe and systemic racism against black people in the US, especially in the US she’s of the view that Obama became president = racism solved, this she relates to how many Uyghur people are “actually in power”, like black people in the US. I still see a systemic problem.
Another one is when we talk about Taiwan. I’m of the view that a country is made up of land, people, and government, and the people should have a say in who governs them. She thinks Taiwan (and Hongkong) belongs to China because it has always historically belonged to China. Thing is, we both live and work in Germany, but I don’t think she knows which parts of Europe used to historically belong to this or that other kingdom that are now divided into different countries.
I’ve seen this sentiment being repeated in the replies, yet this also applies to private companies that are run by absolutely powerful people. It’s true that Lord Acton wrote this about the monarchy, but some execs in multinational corporations today are just as powerful as old-timey monarchs.
It’s the one-party system that bothers me, really. When I talk about politics to my one close-ish friend from mainland China, I often feel like she comes from an alien planet
I wish these had been dick pics instead
Apparently there are some Cherry MX sets from 30 years ago that are still working today. So I guess part of it is longevity, part nostalgia.