Listening to that right now, coincidentally.
Listening to that right now, coincidentally.
I’ve found a nice home with Mint Debian edition. It has the right balance between stable and current that I prefer.
I can confirm and I do use this feature of jellyfin. It works great. The reader is unusable. I use Librera for reading. It’s great, free, and open source.
So my flow is biblio, mam, library Genesis, Anna’s. Then to jellyfin folder that it reads automatically. Then I can download that to any device connected to the jellyfin server. Local is easy, abroad through tailscale.
I’m being totally honest when I say, This Old House. It’s always positive, inclusive, thoughtful. I’ve learned so much from so many different trades. They restore neglected structures and highlight local businesses and people. They underscore the importance of history and community. That encourage the underserved and downtrodden to use their hands and minds for positive community building.
There are 45 seasons and it’s still going. I’ve tried to put it on just to have in the background and always end up riveted and engrossed. I cannot recommend it enough
I had a beelink ser5, and without giving you the bench marks, I can tell you that many games that were unplayable on cinnamon or kde, did work in openbox. I would log out and back into that DE just to play games.
Just my observation. I have upgraded my PC so I haven’t needed to repeat that with my new one.
Having tried many, I found that the desktop environments matter more than the actual OS, especially on older machines.
Going for something really light, like openbox, lxde, or xfce, caused less frame rate drop and stuttering. At least on my lower powered mini pc.
Honorary mentions to:
Ubuntu Christian Edition
Ubuntu Satanic Edition
Hannah Montana Linux
Whoa whoa whoa, there. Back er down. Red Zone Cuba is a masterpiece of fine cinema.
You haven’t seen bad until you’ve seen The Skydivers
We bought both from this store:
Very impressive, hand made, Salish style bands. I worked recommend him to anyone.
Thirded for etsy. i went with simple bands of high quality metals. Silver at first then gold for the tenth. They’re quite attractive.
It’s certainly older but Revolution OS is pretty thorough.
Seconded LMDE. Super stable, polished, and intuitive.
The ground up corpses of the recently deceased.
Destroying our only habitable planet.
Planned Parenthood Opens $8 Billion Abortionplex