Reagan was elected by the moral majority and the teamsters union. Organized religion and organized crime.
Relevant George Carlin:
Also relevant Bill Hicks:
“If you were able to overlook a genocide and cast a vote for Harris, you already know how a conservative was able to overlook Trump’s extremism and vote for him.” – Historian Robin D.G. Kelley
Reagan was elected by the moral majority and the teamsters union. Organized religion and organized crime.
Relevant George Carlin:
Also relevant Bill Hicks:
Satan doesn’t do evil. He merely tricks people into doing evil. Kind of like a criminal lawyer than an evil god.
It is absolutely relevant to why Tiktok is being banned.
Also equating the two is dishonest at best. The images from both tell a totally different story. You are just propagandized.
They are honest about being hateful and racist. Liberals twist themselves into knots justifying a genocide while claiming to be humane and enlightened.
Chris Hayes: Biden is leaving a ‘disgraceful legacy’ on Gaza
US signals support for possible ICC sanctions over Israel warrants
Opposition to genocide is not a talking point, unless you are racist and don’t see anything wrong with the mass slaughter of Palestinians. Realizing that the motives behind the ban are about controlling the narrative doesn’t take a lot of digging around, politicians and lobbyists admitted to it.
Failing to admit that the Democratic Party is guilty of genocide is tribalism at its finest. Failing to recognize the motives behind the ban is willful ignorance.
That’s a lame argument when the whole point is controlling the narrative and we know the ADL is one of the lobbying groups pushing for the ban to silence opposition to the genocide.
Typical of you to deny, deflect and dehumanize. At least Republicans are honest.
Why is China’s persecution of the Uyghurs used as an excuse for the Democratic Party facilitating a genocide? Two things can be bad at the same time, though with genocide and attempted ethnic cleansing being obviously worse.
Yes it maybe selective and hypocritical but it also sets precedent. Other companies can be held accountable more easily now.
Good. The last thing we need is kids addicted to gambling.
Is enabling a genocide authoritarianism or is it good and holy?
After 15 months of genocide why do you think the US has any moral high ground? Racism? Because you don’t see Palestinians as people?
You are not entitled to talk down or preach to anyone. Your liberal government funded and defended a genocide. Or is sanctioning the ICC what innocent rule-respecting people do?
Holier-Than-Thou Liberal American are the biggest hypocrites and they are not even aware of it.
We know the real reason why it is getting bad. Not convenient for genocide.
Awful UI with awful colour scheme. I still love my Steam Deck though
How di$re$pected are you? To me as long as I am re$pected I stay unless someone offers me more re$pect.
Mental health is important too.
Do you want to know how it works internally or how you can administer it more effectively? The two are very different. I was always more interested in the former than the latter and at one point read through Linux kernel 0.1 source code. I want to know how a kernel and a file system works but I can’t be bothered with configurations and shell scripts. The good thing about Linux whatever you want, the resources and the source are available.
Good luck.
I do vaguely remember seeing this during the old web days
I guess my end goal is to be able to comfortably install and use arch Linux with my own customization’s and be able to fix it when things go wrong.
Why? I have been using Linux for nearly two decades and I am perfectly content with a low-config distro and desktop environment. You don’t have to use Arch but if you insist get a Steam Deck.
Change that last to “Time to play some 8bit games upscaled to 4K”
I had a lot of fun playing Romancing Saga 2 and Ara Fell recently. Sometimes games can be more immersive by not having high fidelity graphics.
Aside from US lying over why Tiktok is being banned. The Chinese never claimed, and certainly never weaponized, any of the values that the US is now walking back on to bury the truth of its complicity in genocide. Free press, freedom of expression, rule of law, human rights, and so on.