Yep! Just slice it thin so it cooks in the oven. I do about 2mm thick slices.
Yep! Just slice it thin so it cooks in the oven. I do about 2mm thick slices.
I recently discovered flammkuchen, which is a thin crust pizza with creme fraiche instead of red sauce, bacon, caramelized onions, and potato. I can’t get enough!
Could someone explain?
The Spine by Darren Korb and Ashley Barret, from the Transistor soundtrack. Not my kind of game honestly, I never finished it, but I keep coming back to the soundtrack ❤️
I heard a great talk with Sian Sutherland on plastic reduction recently, specifically around brand agnostic standardized metal bottles: https://youtu.be/jTs6KejhSg4?feature=shared
It has lots of nice features over SMS: read/typing notifications, image/video support, proper groups, message expiration. I think that makes it a chat app
Strategy games are great for busy adults imo. I like either Civilization or Factorio because you can compete or collaborate as desired, and in as much or as little time as you want.