I love it when people call a transitional economy state capitalist because it betrays a lack of understanding of actually existing capitalism and the role the state plays in it.
I love it when people call a transitional economy state capitalist because it betrays a lack of understanding of actually existing capitalism and the role the state plays in it.
Note the lack of citation.
Also yeah Yeltsin was a real hero, just don’t ask what he did after he bombarded parliament, and don’t ask why the US had to interfere in former USSR elections including the 1996 Russian election to make sure that nationalists and not communists won.
This was the text (translated):
Do you consider it necessary to preserve the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as a renewed federation of equal sovereign republics, in which the rights and freedoms of a person of any nationality will be fully guaranteed?
I am however saying that regardless of the facts
That’s nice, have a good day!
Huh, TIL. The main point still stands that the soviet union actually made a lot of progress on human rights, even compared to imperialist countries with more accumulated capital.
Because immigrants are already biased due to having to leave, and they’re still generally normal about China.
I never made that argument though. Are you here to shadowbox or talk?
The new union treaty should have been stopped based on the results of the referendum, which overwhelmingly supported the maintaining of the current federal system.
Soviet Union had a single referendum and it immediately caused a coup and destruction of the whole Union. No wonder they didn’t want to have them before lel
The soviet union was constantly under siege since its infancy. Its latter years were marked with reforms which took power away from the local level of federated democracy and liberalized many aspects of their society. At the end capitalist viewpoints were being printed and published in state run and paid for media. It died a death of a thousand cuts since ww2 killed so many of their rank and file best-disrupting their lower level democracy-, and Stalin’s re-democratization efforts were cut short by his assassination.
who told you not to trust the American government.
You don’t have to be told not to trust it. Even deluded Chuds who guzzle US corporate propaganda all day don’t trust it.
Further the meme implies one should trust the Chinese government presumably because an untrustworthy source told you not to which is a mentally stunted view.
No, the meme implies that your distrust isn’t justified, not that trust is justified.
Not being trapped under the direct influence of the Chinese government, there are clearly many of reasons not to trust that government either.
Okay, have you talked to any recent(as in the last 10 years) immigrants from China who don’t make way over the median US income? Or hell, earlier immigrants mostly only complain about the liberalization period under Deng.
There is no reason to trust any government. A basic understanding of history should make it clear that this is true of any government that has ever existed
This doesn’t really acknowledge the class character of the state.
Saying that they do propaganda and censorship as like a “you can’t trust them” justification is ridiculous though. Literally all states do those things, and non-state solutions don’t work, as has been repeatedly demonstrated.
True intellectualism is doing proper investigation before speaking. How many ordinary Chinese people have you talked to? Have you visited China?
It died because after a referendum for its dissolution failed, there was a power struggle as the communists tried to prevent Yeltsin from doing it anyway, and Yeltsin ended up ordering tanks to fire on the parliament building until the communist pro-democracy forces surrendered. Then the soviet union broke up and 7 million people died from capitalist shock therapy aided by bourgeois “democratic” governments.
The point is you’re making an unsourced claim which doesn’t align with the topic of conversation.
Could I trouble you for some citations?
they were often basic with communal kitchens and bathrooms
The horror, the horror. A building made a decade after a sixth of their population and most of their infrastructure was destroyed by a capitalist invasion and there was communal amenities. Also do you prefer to cook alone?
Remind me, what was the first European country to legalize abortion? Oh, after that, what was the second country to legalize abortion?
When did soviet women get the right to divorce their husbands?
What was the literacy rate before the soviet union? What was it after? Answer the same questions about women’s literacy.
What was the schooling rate before the soviet union? What was it after? Answer the same questions about women’s schooling.
What was the college graduation rate before the soviet union? What was it after? Answer the same questions about women’s college graduation.
What was the first European state to decriminalize homosexuality? How did the Stasi respond to gay civil rights protestors? What did Castro do upon learning that gay people were being mistreated in (alternative to conscription) labor camps? All of this decades before Lawrence V Texas. Hell, trans people got free transition care in Cuba before Lawrence V Texas. The socialist record on LGBT rights isn’t perfect but it is better than capitalist countries. I mean, hell, look at the way capitalist Germany treated lgbt people during the holocaust.
No, you said something that didn’t make sense.
I said
“Living in the US is sufficient cause to distrust its government.”
You replied:
“I can say the same for China”
I replied:
“Except you literally can’t.” Meaning you don’t live in China so you can’t make the claim with similar level of authority
And then you made the comment I replied to, and I don’t see at all how it is connected to the line of conversation.
Idk I like it when the proletariat is able to dictate the course of society
Also your reply contradicts your statement that I first replied to.
Except you literally can’t.
Hey, just so you know for when you make decisions in the future, calling socialist states fascists is rooted in double genocide theory.
This Wikipedia article has a good list of sources about double genocide theory and how it serves to trivialize and obscure the holocaust: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_genocide_theory