• 98 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2020


  • During the Dot Com era, people were actually generating wealth for a period.

    Cursor.sh is an IDE I keep going back to for a new subscription. My ChatGPT account is now over 1 year subscribed. This comes from a person who hates subscriptions: I pirate all my music and shows, and even went 2 years without a phone plan. But damn does AI enhance my productivity, and the AI powered code tools have helped me launch several buisness attempts over the last 2 years.

    I recently met a founder who works on AI agents - something similar to skyvern.com. He has multiple enterprise clients and 6 employees, despite being late to the party (only starting last year)

    So basically, I’m calling your premise of “not generating wealth” false.

  • I’ve seen Chinese and Japanese people spell out the sound with an English keyboard and then select the character that they want from a dropdown like menu.

    In Korean (and I think some Chinese/Japanese keyboards) you can “build” the character, from building blocks like this

    My keyboard

    So if I want to use the “character” for “house”, I first click the symbol ㅈ then I click ㅣ for 지 then ㅂ for 집 and it puts it together.

    I can slightly tweak the shape by tapping the base symbol multiple times (i.e if I have ㅜ and tap ㆍ it makes ㅠ), which can be combined with more symbols like ㅇ and ㄱ to make 육 (the number 6)

  • Ok but you can’t explain what’s wrong with the comment?

    It’s easy to get offended and think it’s wrong, but considering my comment is at +1/-6 yet no one has actually explained what’s wrong reinforces my belief it’s actually sensible. Something that’s obvious nonsense can be debunked with no effort, yet here we are

  • Can anyone who upvoted this explain what’s actually wrong with Zuck’s comment?

    "Masculine energy I think is good, and obviously society has plenty of that, but I think that corporate culture was really trying to get away from it […] It’s like you want feminine energy, you want masculine energy […] I think that that’s all good. But I do think the corporate culture sort of had swung toward being this somewhat more neutered thing,

  • As an ex-Andrpid dev, all this optimization is what killed the creativity. Every feature you currently have is hyperoptimized (even with dedicated battery optimizations turned off for the most popular apps), and as a result nothing you can’t easily change is changeable anymore.

    Want a widget that self updates every couple minutes by connecting to the internet? Can’t have that, even if the user explicitly accepts it. Want to customize behavior of things in the settings? Nope. Want to hook into the phone memory and do crazy hacks? Not even with root. Want to keep running some checks to determine when to send a notification? Can’t do that either, non-push notifications are all scheduled in advance.