I feel pretty confident in saying that your assertion is wrong, and insane lol
I feel pretty confident in saying that your assertion is wrong, and insane lol
Did you even read my comment before posting 9 paragraphs? I didn’t say it was batshit insane to claim that there are sociopathic teachers. I said it was batshit insane to compare the rates of sociopathy in teachers to the rates among politicians, ceo’s, and police. Which it is.
I feel like maybe you don’t know any teachers. The fact that you lumped them in with politicians, ceos, and police is, quite frankly, batshit insane
A good pretzel bun is fantastic. But 9 times outta 10 is some stale, too-dense, chewy monstrosity of disappointment
Lol that dude was not being an asshole. Getting a little defensive?
Violence is question the answer. The question is the answer and violence is yes
Uhh what? Square Enix has a ton of games that aren’t final fantasy
Lol 6 months ago, “this is a standalone game. There will be no DLC.” Fuck modern gaming.
The fake stories on reddit were the absolute worst. The #1 reason I stay on lemmy is because I believe most of the stories here and the comments seem like real people.
Why on earth would someone spend their time reading fake stories that pretend to be real, and then have full discussions with bots.
the internet
Lol yea the aesthetic is pretty perfect
Why would I engage? I obviously find your premise insane. Additionally, you have misstated my SHORT comments several times. I never called you insane, I said the argument is insane. Which it is.