That’s your only contribution? Cool. Objections duly noted.
Proofreading your own work without a significant time gap is pretty useless. You’ll catch a few obvious errors, but approaching the same problem in the same mental space tends to lead to the same thought patterns, tends to lead to making or overlooking the same mistakes.
You’ll do a bit better reapproaching the subject a few days later. It’s almost, but not quite, like reading a new piece of writing. In my experience, comments are set and forget, unless you’re obsessive like me and enjoy rereading your old shit.
By far the most effective proofreading, though, is an Editor. There’s a reason it’s a paid position for anyone who makes a living writing. A completely different person will read the text more as-is, without accidentally interpreting it how they INTENDED it to be written. This will catch far more errors, but isn’t really practical for shit posting in social media. The closest you’ll get is someone calling out a typo or grammatical error.
As long as the intent of the message is clear, it passes the bar for acceptable social media content. We’re not writing PhD theses, we’re just having fun discussions. We’re not writing a paper meant to be readable to someone independently, we’re engaging in dialogue and can easily ask the other person to clarify.
TL;DR high-level proofreading and error correcting isn’t really as viable on social media as it is formal writing, nor is it really necessary as long as the message received is the message intended.
I’m assuming from context “The Fair Lady” is the name of the ghost in this comic, likely just created for the comic and to fit the song’s lyrics, not some kind of long-standing legend necessarily.
Did you understand what they said? Great! They did perfectly fine then. Waste less energies.
I mean, I’m mid 30s, and it took me a long time to internalize “he, she, they” rather than “he, she, it”. It’s just how they were used when I was growing up. Fortunately, I’ve had the opportunity to learn and grow. At the end of the day, just speak with respect and make sure you listen as much as, or more than, speak.
I feel like someone should compile a list of suspects (read: denied claims) and read them off loudly at every memorial event for him.
Yeah, well your tongue doesn’t fit comfortably in my mouth!
Okay, but how do your clothes feel against your skin?
Sorry, to be clear, that line was sarcasm. I agree with you, these videos aren’t click bait.
Clearly any video that asks a question or implies a strange phenomenon or situation is click bait. See also:chubbyemu videos here
For the record, I do not think these are click bait, if they’re accurate. Or, at least, they’re click bait that actually gives you a worm instead of some shitty rubber faux worm.
Alternatively, pi_sing off people who call things cringe is based as f_ck so maybe I’ll start self censoring.
I think a kneejerk reaction to reading something wholly wrong is to assume it doesn’t add to the conversation. I think we’re all conditioned to see someone we don’t agree with as clearly a troll taking the piss, rather than an opportunity to discuss.
Anyway, downvoted because it’s funny.
I don’t think anyone’s tongue is getting to the prostate. It’s a ways up there.
At once.
10,000 dicks a month from lol is rookie numbers, honestly.
I don’t want that disease vector anywhere near my dangly bits, thanks.
… . -.?