But then they typically still want your name, address, phone number, email address, gender, etc.
I just want some food.
But then they typically still want your name, address, phone number, email address, gender, etc.
I just want some food.
also, they had room carpeted but haven’t shaved the bottom of the door off yet, so the door is very reluctant to open even when found…
Effort, risk
For research
Haven’t listened to them much in years but I used to like their album, The Sound of White Noise. Singer can be a bit gruff but doesn’t quite scream like I think you are talking about.
So in your example, I guess the tariffs don’t apply to Canada? Because the proceeds of tariffs go to the government of the country charging them.
That every store wants you to sign up and have you give them your details.
When I bought a shirt in a department store a couple of years ago and the guy wanted me to give him my email address “to save paper” (yeah right), rather than give me a receipt. It was like we were having a stand off for a while there. I just want to buy a shirt not sign up for ongoing spam!
“Going in guns-blazing”, lol, some Americans…
Consequently, Americans generate the majority of English-language Internet content.
False. Yes, it is larger than any other individual English speaking group but accounts for less than a fifth of the total English speakers.
I wouldn’t have guessed Nigeria is the third largest English speaking group.
I thought that biscuit flavoured cola was probably fake as well, but then I saw a discarded can of it yesterday
Bayswater Bridge RIP
To quote from your source:
8-inch floppy disk, inserted in drive, (3½-inch floppy diskette, in front, shown for scale)
I was wondering how CD-RW works, if anyone else wants to know:
They have a layer that can change between clear and opaque that is changed by having different temperatures applied to it.
Isn’t a diskette just a small version of a disk? Much like kitchenette to kitchen
I’ve been to one of the places and drank it. The coffee was nice but I’ve never chosen to have it again. The animals seemed happy enough, certainly nothing alarming happening. I’m sure they might prefer to roam free but you could say that about pet cats too.
Going before the lines form can be a good strategy.
The self promotion on obscure forums for a handful of up votes and assumption that you are people’s favourite actress makes this account look more like someone pretending to be Margot Robbie, rather than it being genuine.
Sounds much like: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect