I am trying to focus on posting source documents, as opposed to someone else’s reporting on source documents.
Hey no problem! And I didn’t mean anything by it; my reply could have been read with snark included, and I definitely didn’t intend it. Good on you for taking breaks when you need to. You’re good people, and the world needs more of you.
As usual, the answer is “It’s more complicated than that.”
Decriminalization, controlled access, and treating people like humans instead of criminals is an excellent idea.
Global complete legalization of all drugs is not.
All drugs should be completely legalized globally.
In case you weren’t able to see OP’s post.
I was talking to OP’s opinion, which is different from yours.
I was talking to OP’s opinion, which is different from yours.
Poisonings and overdoses skyrocket.
Edit: Not to mention antibiotic resistance.
Our subdivision was built in about 2004. They didn’t put dark fiber in the ground, for some reason. It took about fifteen years for a private company to come in and lay fiber. I had Comcast/Xfinity at the time (I think it was 250Mb, and definitely asynchronous), who had already started sending out their promotions for gigabit internet service, so I called them up to see if I could get that. “That’s only available if you get internet and TV and phone.”
Oh, so you can give me just gigabit internet, but you won’t give me just gigabit internet.
It was another year before the fiber service was lit, I was the first person to get it in my neighborhood, and it is absolutely fantastic.
Sure, but they really should be describing it as 10Gb (gigabit). Even that could easily get confused with 10GB (gigabyte), which would be used for a file size.
This is especially true if a simulated universe is indistinguishable from base reality - so perfect in all its aspects that it is identical.
You can also get into the fact that we do not and can not objectively experience reality, simulated or not. Our experience and perception is based on the senses we have, which are inaccurate, and the brain that interprets the inputs, which makes shit up and is wrong all the time. Yes, we can use tools and measurements to enhance our perception and make it more accurate as far as understanding is concerned, but we actually each live in a universe manufactured by our own mind.
I don’t find the distinction particularly useful. We seek to understand more accurately how our universe works, with disregard to whether it is direct reality or simulated reality. The increased accuracy that we discover may result in our knowing whether we are in a simulation, or it may not.
Either way, something is base reality, whether it is our universe as we observe and experience it, or some number of simulated levels “below” it. Our own state as simulated or real doesn’t change that. There is isness.
Not since they shut down API access. Now it’s obvious why they did that.
Bring a second bike along with you, and lock it with a $10 combination lock chain.
The only way Microsoft or OpenAI would know this would be to spy on chatbot sessions. I’m sure the terms of service—if I bothered to read them—gives them that permission.
Well there’s your problem.
That’s fair, but it stands to reason that if a Microsoft web product isn’t super compatible with its own desktop product, a third party would be less so.
I have to wonder if you said the same things about Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP.
Who’s not interested in whose opinion now?
That you’ve employed a slippery slope analogy far too widely?
That’s just God telling you to go to the bad gateway.