I heard about half of your list. I’ll check out the other half since I like the names I recognize.
I heard about half of your list. I’ll check out the other half since I like the names I recognize.
I like Dua Saleh. I was listening to Sugar Mama when my wife was walking by and she was surprised I liked her. Good music is good music.
Is this a legit trend? That’s pretty funny. I’m going to do some searching.
You don’t have to stop. I never do. I might say hi in passing when I walk by them and catch eye contact. If one ever tells me I need to stop for them to check, I would tell them to check the security cameras. We are tracked the entire time we are in there. I’m not stopping for them to pretend to check for shop lifters.
I’ve seen people in line waiting to be checked. WTF is wrong with people. They are not entitled to your time. You already paid for it. The transaction is done. If they want to do something else with my stuff, go check the tapes.
Just crush up Viagra in it and sell it as sex honey.
Tank: Man, we wiped. What happened? Normally that boss isn’t a problem.
Healer: 1212131411121511
Tank: Oh.
Maybe make a version of the game when you aren’t a superhero and just the cleanup crew that has to fix the city afterwards. Sweep up the halls of Justice, and buff that coffee stain out of the table all without special effects.
They got those year long cruises you could get on and slam heroin in your room.
Of course there is an ahego face jar. Why does that surprise me?
But what if you use a gloryhole?
A smaller cigar. Like cigarillos.
so they came up with a new name and are making everyone update to push data there. honestly i can’t take watching these people be praised for their innovation and promoted to make more of these shit decisions.
This happens so often it is crazy. A bunch of people got hooked up with high salary welfare jobs and now they got to justify their existence. It’s why they like having meetings where nothing productive gets done and they try out their boring ass jokes.
You know what? You’re right, reader—I deserve a little treat.
You do deserve it damnit! I know everything is 100%, but it will never be. Just because other people made bad decisions doesn’t mean you didn’t do what you were supposed to do. It doesn’t mean you aren’t living you best life. So fuck it and treat yo self. Everybody talking shit probably sucks anyway.
I would agree with Dread. It is such a a nice clean game and that last boss was an actual challenge. Many games are awesome but fumble the last boss.
Before Dread, I would say the Super Metroid on SNES, that game introduced (at least me) the wall jumps and the sprint to down boost jump thing. I always tired to saved the animals when leaving the planet, but it’s not like they were able to get off the planet, so I’m not sure if it really helped.
I was deployed and we had a monopoly game night every once and a while. A few of the people I worked with just turned. I worked with them and they were good people and make sure work got done the correct way. Then monopoly started and these people were lying to each other. Making deals to trick people into charging them less rent. I’m pretty sure someone was robbing the bank.
It’s weird when you will trust someone in a fire fight, but not during monopoly. Got to keep your eyes open.
They found $4.7 bill last year in back taxes. They will find a lot less than that going after the lower income brackets.
I’m thinking reddit is cracking down more of speech. Heavier moderation can lead to something like this.