it doesn’t
it doesn’t
best country in the world. /s
he also strived for a political career in austria, but failed. The germans accepted him
edit: also he didn’t fail as a painter. he just failed to get accepted in a painting school, because he had no graduation. he then decided to stop painting.
everything is art.
beethoven was a german. and hitler was a german with austrian migration background, because he had german citizenship, which makes him a german.
Something like Baldur’s gate with good ol’ realtime with pause. Baldur’s gate 3 is a great game, but playing it feels like divinity and not baldurs gate
this doesn’t work most of the time, and if it works, it’s an ancient version of the driver.
on windows you need to download the driver from the internet and install it manually. on linux you enter a command and it installs itself.
yeah no thank you i’ll stick with duckduckgo