This video always made me giggle a bit: Students vs. Mexicans: Cultural Appropriation | Man on the Street
This video always made me giggle a bit: Students vs. Mexicans: Cultural Appropriation | Man on the Street
We live in a patriarchy
I don’t even know what this means anymore.
Oh hell yeah, Category Theory! LET’S GOOOOO!
LineageOS, maybe? Still Android, but (AFAIK) more open to change than standard Android.
So sad when it happens…
I don’t follow - do people still seriously use SMS? I for one try to use it as little as possible.
Oh man, I remember this from years ago when the only 1-up on Minecraft it had, was that I could run it at 60 FPS, infinite chunks in all directions, no extreme lag spikes while generating the map, and further view distance.
Zero mods back then, so I’m happy to see the mod support!
The amount of boomer bait on Facebook is staggering. The amount of Boomers falling for obviously AI-generated shite even moreso.
DROL: Dicht Rechts, Open Links.
I think I just prefer Links Los, which implies that the other way tightens.
Dutch, BTW.
Oh, I also really like Mammonism: “the greedy pursuit of riches”, from the Biblical “Mammon”.
I’ve got six of them:
I was referring to Borderlands: The Movie, not Mario.
And I’m blaming him a little as he still took the bag.
I was more thinking of Melanie’s Milk of the Siren (Warning: depiction of rape, revenge, and gore, not necessarily in that order. I don’t normally give off warnings, but this video goes 0-100 REAL fucking fast).
is like tmux
, right? So you can split your CLI, open a new window/tab to open more Bash/Vim instances?
currency = capitalism
u wot mate? If that was the case then we would always have had Capitalism, which we’ve obviously did not. You need a system that supports inserting capital into random companies to get to Capitalism, not (just) currency.
deleted by creator
I’ve been on the internet since 1996 or so, and this is the first mention (in English) of Satay. Amazing.
Satay with some mayo is nice as well.
Some good kebab helps too, probably due to the fat and salt, but water over kebab, if you have to choose.
You are now breathing manually. Take that, OP!
I feel there’s this trend where movie directors must and shall make their own story in whatever world is in front of them, instead of trying to make a movie that would fit in the game, or simply take the game’s story and make a movie out of that.
It’s why Lord of The Ring was so fucking good (Christopher Lee/Saruman read the books every year of his life, and corrected Peter Jackson whenever necessary), whereas Rings of Power is shit (I mean, a loving Orc family? What the FUCK have they been snorting!?). It’s also why I’m hopeful to get something good out of Henry Cavill directing any 40k movie (that, or we’re getting nothing, at best. At worst someone else takes over and we’re getting female custodes for no good reason).
BlueSky actually is federated, AFAIK:
It does use its own protocol (AT instead of ActivityPub)