Taxes are high in Germany, but then again you also don’t pay for health insurance and get good public transportation. The calculation will probably turn out better than you’d expect, though nowhere will be quite as lucrative as America for tech.
Taxes are high in Germany, but then again you also don’t pay for health insurance and get good public transportation. The calculation will probably turn out better than you’d expect, though nowhere will be quite as lucrative as America for tech.
This has been my view of China too; good to see it backed by a random internet person.
Your post seems to echo this by saying the South’s main thing was they wanted to be separate, even though that happened to include slavery, there were other reasons too.
If so let me restate/reclarify: The South mainly or exclusively fought because they wanted to defend and further slavery as an institution (not even own states themselves; that’s a charitable way of putting it). However, the North didn’t give a shit about the South owning slaves; they just didn’t want them to secede and that’s why both sides came to blows. To the North the slavery thing was kinda bad but really not the point; what they wanted to do is (to oversimplify) keep the South in the Union. That’s what I was trying to say.
Yeah obviously. I think I made that clear enough. I mean I put “slave” right there.
While the Southern states were ultimately fighting for slavery as an institution, the question the war was trying to answer wasn’t whether states can have slavery; it’s whether states can secede. If the North was willing to accept secession (which would’ve been a massive mistake don’t get me wrong) the war wouldn’t have happened. The Southern proposition that made the North go to war was, at least to my shallow understanding, “I’ll make my own Union with blackjack and (slave) hookers”, not “I wanna keep owning slaves”.
In that case maybe go to those groups with your idea? You might find someone willing to protest with you or otherwise help make your idea work.
“Kamala is for they/them - Trump is for you.”
Okay screw Trump and all that but this is good.
I don’t know if this is relevant, but I and many others feel basically this way about Americans as a whole. Gonna be laughing at (or at least not crying too much for) y’all as we’re all drafted into WWIII.
For her to not win ANY of the toss-up states is…interesting to say the least.
Seems par for the course to be honest. Well, it’s kind of surprising but with the benefit of hindsight it’s well within the bounds of plausibility. I mean there were two or big issues in this election besides not being Trump: the economy, immigration and Gaza. The Democrats failed on all of them.
That’d be tantamount to seceding, so legally no but practically yes if they want to secede.
People from non-Western countries complain too; it’s just that in a dictatorship complaining can get you thrown in prison or worse so people take care not to complain too much in public.
But that article doesn’t seem to claim that individual soldiers have the same guaranteed culpability.
I mean they must have that culpability since they were cooperating with Nazi genocidal policy by, among other things, invading countries to where the Holocaust would be exported in the first place. I mean it was by definition individual soldiers enforcing the state of affairs where Jews and other targets of Nazi ire were getting exterminated. It was those individual soldiers suppressing resistance, taking POWs to be executed, etc. I mean you’re pretty guilty the moment you’re fighting a war of extermination on the side of extermination.
If we’re trying to find a single good nazi in all of history, then I think technically Schindler counts.
That’s fair, but I think most modern people wouldn’t consider him a Nazi. He was registered as a Nazi by necessity, but ideologically I don’t think he believed in the extermination of Jews while bribing Nazi officials to keep his workers out of death camps. If you do consider him a Nazi then yeah there was dissent within the Nazi party; I don’t think that’s much of a surprise.
Yeah I wanted to say WWI and mistyped.
Oh shit I added an extra I for some reason. I mean WWI. WWII was definitely an American problem too.
So just to make it clear everything you said in your first paragraph is completely false. It’s something known as the clean Wehrmacht myth.
Sigh can you calm down there for a second? I realize that they were parroting clean Wehrmacht propaganda that is, in fact, completely false. However, nothing in their reply made it seem like they have any Nazi sympathies, and instead simply believed propaganda they’d come across or made a not illogical assumption that simply turned out to be false. If you consider that to be an unforgivable sin rather than a misconception that can be corrected then enjoy your ideologically pure trip to fascistland I guess. Otherwise maybe try educating them so they at least don’t spread the same propaganda elsewhere where someone might actually believe it. If then they turn out to be a bad faith actors or dig their heels you can comdemn their Nazi apologia all you want.
Why are you saying all this to me? This should’ve been in your response to the other guy. Hell even just linking the myth of the clean Wehrmacht article would’ve been a lot more productive than calling them a Nazi apologist right out the gate.
I’ll be honest: If you’re not white you’ll probably want/have to get out of the US anyway. Might as well bite the bullet now.