Exercise is known to reduce inflammation. Maybe you have some inflammatory (t)issues? Maybe your immune system attacking something? I’m not a doctor, so this is not medical advice.
Exercise is known to reduce inflammation. Maybe you have some inflammatory (t)issues? Maybe your immune system attacking something? I’m not a doctor, so this is not medical advice.
My stack is postfix, dovecot, slapd for accounts, SoGO for web mail, calendar and task and contact management. Syncs to my phone via davx and just works out of the box. It’s multi domain and my small company even sells hosted email services.
Rspamd for anti spam and dkim. Use a free email testing service to confirm SPF etc are setup correctly.
Also make sure you have regular backups and up to date lets encrypt certificates.
Space engineers
You are correct. That’s what Nazis do. Don’t sink to their level.
Be me, about four years old. Decide i need to drive a car for fun.Wake little brother at four in the morning and we sneak out with moms car keys. This is in the city mind you, with cars parked tightly behind each other on the curb. Get in, start the engine and lights. Can’t get the fucking hand brake lose. Luckily mom smells bullshit and comes looking for us before I figure it out. Get roasted for that to this day, mom is nearly 70 now and still tells this story to this day.
I’m kind of an electrical engineer by training. Experience taking electronics apart, but this was my first mechanical device. It was quite the journey and I only saw some general videos about people taking combustion engines apart. It’s a pretty simple device really, but still a new skill. :)
Keister watch.
Pretty sure she is eating out that unicorn.
Geforce 2 fx
Took a wood shredder apart and back together after something got stuck inside.
Pretty sure any serious answer needs to factor in where there insulation sits. It’s not only about heating a space but how much you need to heat continually to keep it warm.
Love me a magnolia tree
Here is a fun fact: about half of people stand up to wipe their ass after taking a shit.
Watched a childrens show that showed a snakebite. Was unable to enter my bed for years without searching it for snakes throughoutly.
Bareos. Its a newer Form of bacula and is a realworkhorse.
… Where there is greenery. It’s scientifically proven to improve mental wellbeing if you see greenery just 20 minutes a day.
Overlap of politics and shitposting xD
So you represent the concept, not the youngest son of chronos?
You make no sense, son of chronos.
Watch it again. It seems there is a split second hesitation before the first salute. Followed by a “let’s just get that done full force” move. Kinda like people that are about to do a stunt the first time. One last “are we really going to try that?”. It kinda implies intent and also that there is some sanity left there to make these decisions. Which gives me hope it’s just Putin having a video of him and he is acting under duress. So definitively an intentional Nazi salute. Should try that in Germany and see how fast he gets arrested for that shit.