Always someone who needs to explain and ruin the joke…
Always someone who needs to explain and ruin the joke…
We’ve basically conquered scarcity at this point in history. There’s really no reason people shouldn’t have all their basically necessities provided today, but bcz of greedy assholes, they’re always in search of more money, so we don’t get that.
It sounds better than forced military service.
You might not live after that one. 747s aren’t known to be that reliable.
You’re apparently the only one if this comment chain is any indication.
The implications of a police officer in a casket absolutely is.
Not really, I just don’t automatically wish death on people as a default state. They’re still human beings. You’re just trying to stir shit up for no reason.
I don’t like police officers as a general rule. But I also don’t really advocate for death as a blanket statement. This is just a poor taste joke.
Edit: Jesus, ya’ll can stop replying now. No wonder we have genocide, so easy to dehumanized others, and not even notice.
I feel like this could be applied to more than the Linux community. Regardless, this was a heartwarming read.
We’re talking about what happens to our parents stuff when they die. What are they going to do, burn down the house when they die? Oh wait, that’s exactly what they’re doing, climate change is a hoax to a large portion of boomers, housing costs have risen well past cost of living, university costs have ballooned to unsustainable levels saddling an entire generation of people with debt they can’t pay off, we have some of the most ineffective, expensive health care in the world, and oh, to top it off, we just elected a far right government that wants to wipe their ass with the constitution, and usher in the U.S. version of the third Reich. Some inheritance…
Thanks! I’ll take a look
Time to ditch youtube and find a FOSS alternative.
I don’t think rentals should exist. You could literally put a house anywhere a couple hundred years ago, and all you needed to do was build it. Now we have artificially stunted the supply of housing to make good little worker bees our of everyone. The threat of homelessness and starvation is a fantastic motivator to not rock the boat in society.
There is no exception to stealing housing from other people.
If you phrase the question right, even the most fundamentalist person will agree with helping people. Say it was from someone they disagree with and then they immediately disagree with the idea now. It’s become more team sports than actual policy nuance anymore
I don’t really celebrate murder, but I’m certainly not gonna mourn the loss of someone responsible for many preventable deaths bcz they wanted a bigger paycheck.
Please kill me
No, you still have a PR to review.
I will say, i didn’t think the main story was that strong. But the huge amount of amazing side quests more than made up for it.
Oh you’re in for a treat. The side quests in Witcher 3 are legendary. I love everything about that game.
Jesus, why’d you have to bring floating point and machine precision into the conversation? Now I won’t sleep. And the nightmares will be worse than before.