Seems it was culture in your example. Culture may give new meanings to words. You don’t know one, you can look it up. But if you don’t know five words at once, you are lost.
Seems it was culture in your example. Culture may give new meanings to words. You don’t know one, you can look it up. But if you don’t know five words at once, you are lost.
Have a look at the map here, and also at the satellite view. Zoom in: 37,0593067, 15,2976834
It is a >2000 year old town, still alive and inhabited (mostly by tourists nowadays). People had no air condition back then.
The buildings are made of natural stone. The walls are as heavy as possible. The streets are as narrow as possible (some can be used with a car, some cannot).
I have been there on vacation for two weeks and the effect of this way of building a city is huge! The sun barely reaches the ground in these narrow streets. The heavy walls do not heat up much in the lower floors. They keep some the ground’s coolness - and today, some of the air condition’s coolness as well, but the local people told me that they use their air condition only in the 3-4 hottest month’s of the year.
people have told me that snoring at that age is not normal and a sign of sleep apnea.
They’re just jealous. They know perfectly well that snoring indicates a superior intellect.
German courts aren’t special.
It’s actually British courts who are special. And unfortunately Britain has exported their way into all their colonies.
In the British view of the world, it is generally assumed that everybody is lying all the time, even in court. All evidence and all words of witnesses are assumed to belong to one of the parties = lying in their favor (If you don’t like the term “lying” here, you can replace it by “performing a good show”).
In Germany, witnesses belong to nobody (except if they are are involved in the case, or if they are spouse/relatives to one of the people who are involved etc.) and therefore it is generally assumed that they are free to tell the truth.
Well, that’s a continent of 57 different countries.
many police programs incentivize or measure an officers efficiency based on the number of arrests or tickets they produce.
I call that very unethical.
This site
Some random lawyer.
like German police can and will use your words against you in court.
Again: police records and collects stuff. They do not argue in court.
What the accused has told the police will be usable by all sides equally in court.
Police have to collect proof, whether it works for or against a suspect. Other suspects are possible, too. That follows directly from the general presumption of innocence. Only the judge can end that presumption, with his verdict.
Btw police don’t argue in court.
(Germany here)
Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. Never for you.
What shitty country is that?
MNByChoice is right.
Read the server’s logfile for better info.
Lots of companies earned a ton of investment funding
But even the investments are focusing now on fewer, large companies.
In the dotcom era, investment funding was falling on everyone, like the rain.
In the dotcom era things were easy. You could set up a website and make a business out of it in no time. Small effort. If it didn’t perform, you deleted it and tried the next one.
No “Big Tech” that was ruling and owning everything, like today. The existing telco’s were actually big, but they had no clue. Lawmakers had no clue either.
Usamerican investors love to hear the bigmouth stuff from Massa Elon. In addition, they expect some support by the next bigmouth president.
Thank you for answering at least one of my questions, the last one, in so many words.
Mercury’s orbit
I wasn’t talking about Astronomy at all.
Lorentz transformation
That was needed only for the end results. Not in the introductory thoughts that I was talking about.
Fizeau’s experiment, the fact that the speed of light is the same
Good point here. That was in fact one of the starting points for Einstein.
There was no way special relativity could’ve been found even half a century earlier
Again you are looking at the end results only, when the theory was complete.
Have you even read my comment?
Have you even read Einstein?
If they live with you for a long while already, then they do not need any of the extra food in your trap. They have plenty.
Therefore you might be able to catch a few, but you can never get rid of them with your trap.
General Relativity needed lots and lots of the math that has been developed after Newton, even shortly before Einstein (and also he himself has developed some of it).
I firmly believe Newton would have gotten to relativity before Einstien if he were born at the same time.
But it wasn’t the end results and complex formulas of Einstein’s theory that showed the flaws and gaps in Newton’s mechanics.
It was the basic questions and thought experiments in Einstein’s first script. About basic geometry, length and width. The flow of time, the speed of a signal. Concurrency.
It should have been possible to think these thoughts at Newton’s time.
physics jesus
Yes, he is still regarded as such. Nearly nobody is aware of how thoroughly his core statements in physics have been refuted since 1905.
His math holds water.
No. Why do you think so?