It’s not racism, nor is it nationalism. I live in America, it fucking sucks here and I’d like to leave. But it’s still better than North Korea by leaps and bounds, and I would choose to be born here again if those were the only choices. Same with Russia, same with China.
Are you really trying to defend the living conditions in a country like North Korea? It’s not racist to say it sucks there, that’s just a fact.
I genuinely don’t see the issue if you were to replace Russia with NK. NK is a worse place to live from what I understand, so it would work even better.
The difference between this comic and nationalism, is that nobody is singing praises about how good the other countries are. The France/Canada babies aren’t exactly breaking out into giddy smiles here. If saying “X country isn’t the worst place ever” is nationalism, the word doesn’t mean much.