Which instance? I can see the b word in the original comment but yours literally says “removed” like, “taken away”.
Which instance? I can see the b word in the original comment but yours literally says “removed” like, “taken away”.
If you just do the side quests before progressing the main quests you should have no problem progressing in any borderlands game. You should never have to go farm unremarkable areas that don’t have side quests.
It’s media-friendly astrology
I don’t hate the planet. I hate my future grandchildren. I have to make sure they suffer.
Why is that even a thing? It’s a dryer. I want it dry. It’s not called a damper.
There are Americans who own chickens and Americans who’ve never touched one. It’s a big country. This post applies mostly to city folk.
Fun fact you can talk to just about anything
I do that with my dishes too
Being an introvert isn’t an excuse for being an asshole. If that’s who you are then just be the office asshole. Why do you care what they think?
Eye-mayge-een if the pronunciation of words mattered
Fuck that burger looks good
I dono this might be too interesting to be a shitpost
It’s not great. Definitely more than 1 star but I watched it the other day and couldn’t remember a thing about it until looking up the plot summary just now. It’s one of those movies that could be amazing if it stuck the landing but I personally don’t feel like it did. I voted for Obama twice so my opinion is not politically motivated.
I don’t mean to nitpick but where have you seen packaged 8oz beers in the US?
One time my pet tortoise bit my big toe thinking it was food and he took an entire chunk out of my flesh. Reptiles are not to be underestimated.
When I played that game, it didn’t have a lobby. But it sounds like you had to basically pause the game to advance, which is just bad design if you ask me.
Still, that game is amazing
I have all of those ingredients except for the 10 syllable word with which you ended it.
Wow what a bunch of sheep. Everyone knows Tupac and Biggie faked the feud and their own deaths to sell more records. They live together in Thug Mansion but they spend holidays in Gangtas Paradise.
God I hate when meme formats are completely misused.
I have no idea what this means