I committed
Jumping on the bed against medical advice
I committed
politics is not about morality. it’s about power & control.
peanut butter if no dogs around
I still don’t believe you
already in my nightly routine ✊
I forgot to switch accounts
That sounds great! Congrats
There is a Walk of Fame (Stars) in New York City?
for tha
According to downdetector.com, it wasnt just google. It was the majority of major websites, including Cloudflare, Xfinity, Verizon, Starlink, & AWS too. I wonder if it has anything to do with Chinese or Russian cyber warfare or maybe someone seriously messed up at Google’s DNS server trying to delete their puppy pictures folder while hungover:
hungover@google-dns-42069:~$ sudo ls -a
password for hungover:
. .bashrc .ssh
.. Puppies .zshrc
hungover@google-dns-42069:~$ sudo rm -rf /
hungover@google-dns-42069:~$ rm -rf ~/Puppies
Then you chop the potato into fries and stick it in a bowl of water seasoned with Mrs Dash. Once they’re marinated, you realize that the Mrs Dash you used is also outdated, and the current Mrs Dash’s spices conflict with the current seasoning. You have to figure out a way to suck the seasoning out of the current fries or start fresh. To start fresh would delay the meal considerably and your customers are extremely hungry and entitled. You would also need to report the extra expenditure on a new potato and wasted time to your boss, who is going to be upset about it.
You decide to search the Internet and found that some guy that was in the same situation 3 years ago in another restaurant figured out a way to make the current fries taste right using white pepper as long as you apply it in a specific manner that you’ve never heard of using tools you don’t have. You only have black pepper, but give it a shot anyway. It didn’t work right and now they taste even worse. You ask on a forum online by detailing every step you took with precision, and the users respond with “read the f**king recipe”. In desperation, you ask ChatGPT for advice, which tells you to season your <vegetable> with white pepper and taste the fries. If that doesn’t work, write down everything and look for places you made mistakes. Miraculously, you find some white peppercorns, but don’t have a grinder. You try smashing them with a hammer, making it worse.
You give up and tell everyone that they have to eat rice today. You go home feeling smarter because you learned how to not mess this one specific thing up until the next update and what would work to fix it in the future if you have the specific items and know how to use them (you don’t). You then go to a social gathering at a restaurant with friends. One of them doesn’t like the food and asks you why they don’t just make it taste good. You tell them that if they want it to taste a certain way, they can cook it themselves. The group gets mad at you and you hear someone whisper in another’s ear, “I think they’re on the spectrum.”
Kind of sad that we see a person so skinny and desperate that they’ve lost all fear of death and empathy for others, and we make fun of it. Imagine if you were him, knowing that a bunch of strangers with magic pocket computers and obesity are cracking jokes at the inconceivable struggle your life has been in a moment of near absolute carelessness for life.
Don’t get me wrong. I thought the meme was hilarious, so I’m included in the judgement. I am more making an observation of the state of things.
I feel weird.
I recommend travel health insurance. It’s affordable and a good piece of mind considering their healthcare can be extremely expensive.
You can get some affordable healthcare once you’re here. I’ve heard my neighbors that came up from the States talk about the piece of mind they got when they realized their healthcare will not bankrupt them. It sounds like it’s quite the relief, eh?
.json would possibly make them invisible too