It takes way more than an hour if you are actually cooking your own food. Cook, eat, cleanup. 1.5 hours minimum, often more.
It takes way more than an hour if you are actually cooking your own food. Cook, eat, cleanup. 1.5 hours minimum, often more.
Where I live a light tap of the horn, as short as you can make it, is a polite “wake up”, a quick flash of the lights is also used to tell people their lights are off or another thing is wrong.
He has a long history of retweeting Nazis and agreeing with them. It’s an indictment on our society that this is so little known even in the USA.
I’ve been trying e-books, usually when I find something I want to read it will say something like you are 38th in line. Minnesota.
Every book I try to check out has a 3 month to 3 year wait-list. Not exactly a convenient way to read.
Saying people should say things a specific way is prescriptivist. Descriptivist is, language gets defined by its users rather than rules. As soon as you set a rule, you’re a prescriptivist.
You said “of course not” and then ended with a prescriptivist point of view, you’re lost mate.
Edit: I think you need to read a bit more about the difference between prescriptivism and descriptivism and maybe read something by a linguist, or watch one of their YouTube channels. Just because you’re rejecting one prescriptivist point of view, if you take up another prescriptivist point of view in counter, it’s still prescriptivist. The point is, enforcing language in any direction is a pointless task, language will never do what you want it to do, all you’re doing by trying, is making sure everyone is annoyed with you.
If I say Barcelona with a lisp, or without, 99.9999% of people that know what Barcelona is will understand me, you’re being unnecessarily pedantic. Anyone who seeks to control language should talk to a linguist. Language isn’t prescriptivist as much as non linguists like to think so. It is fluid and ever changing. People will choose how they want to speak and it will either work or it won’t. If people understand what someone is saying, nothing else matters as much as many like to think.
Language is indeed for communication, which is why both ways of saying it work…
I mean, we’re going on no information but one data point. Certainly hr is up there on odds to have some issues. But I’m at a work place were people generally get along well.
I’m not sure id have a problem with any of these honestly.
High interest debt is an emergency. Anything in the emergency category gets paid first. High interest debt is a trap, you can’t hope to meet any other goal in life if you don’t take care of that first.
For anyone with stable income, only debt who’s interest rate is at or above the potential interest you would earn investments should be paid down first. Any debt at a rate lower than you stand to earn, should be paid over time. Any debt lower than the rate of inflation should be paid as slow as the terms allow without penalty.
So my order of priority is: high interest debt>emergency fund>tax deferred investing>ira and investing>low interest debt>even more cash holding>debt below inflation.
Sadly as I get older I game less hours, so most of my games on this list are older. LoL, wow, Dota 2, modern warfare 2 (2009), Wingspan(online boardgame), PubG battlegrounds, counter strike 2, terraria. I haven’t played fps, wow, or dota for years, but they still dominate this list. It’s funny because if I made a list of my favorite games, it would include almost none of these, except terraria.
I think they meant it doesn’t solve any problems because they never were the problem.
Naw, they were using that before all the anti trans nonsense. It’s more about their inability to see women as human. They identify them more for their gender than being the same species as them. If they started calling them women that would humanize women too much…
If you don’t know what you are doing, and still young, just set a low cost broad market index fund or ETF as the place your retirement funds go. An example would be VTSAX or VTI. Disclaimer: I am not an investment expert or advisor.
I’m not at all optimistic. We have a broken system and what power we have left has been ceded to cynicism. Selling cynicism is powerful peoples most effective tool. Convince people they have no power, and they will just stay home. I’ve personally been involved with citizen lobbying many times in my life. I’ve been a part of minimum wage laws being passed, legal reform, net neutrality locally and nationally, school funding that saved schools, first amendment protection laws, etc. Locally, state, and federal. But it requires you have to get off your ass and actually try. Yes in south eastern states you have a bunch of crooked assholes that won’t listen to you, that’s why voting left is so important. Unlike the right, even moderate Dems will work with you if you force them to the table with popular political action. You have to elect them in and then do the hard work of political action.
Furthermore, lobbying is something ANYONE can do, you don’t need money, you literally schedule an appointment with your legislative office and then you go there and talk. I’ve done it multiple times, and it is absolutely effective. Those that get involved determine the future, not every politician is a criminal, many of them are people exactly like you and me. The got fed up with the system and ran for office.
Yes, our political system is fucked up, but selling cynicism when we still barely have a democracy makes things worse. We could have no democracy at all, and we very well might shortly. But while we still have one, I suggest actually fucking trying for once.
They aren’t mutually exclusive and both involve the same thing. The only reason money matters is because it is used to sway voters, people showing they are not swayed by the propaganda invalidates the money.
I’m married and 41, I’m just pointing out the real time needed. If you are actually trying to be healthy, and not just shoveling extra sugar and saturated/trans fats down your throat, then often the best choice is to cook your own food. Restaurants almost all prioritize taste, cost, and efficiency over health. Our society makes it difficult to stay healthy. So doing things while also staying, healthy is time consuming.
Edit: Also getting takeout still takes time, order, wait, pickup, eat, cleanup, you’re still down at least an hour unless you get fast food.