As a big fan of Teardown; seeing what happened after Saber bought Tuxedo Labs, I’m not holding my breath for this one.
As a big fan of Teardown; seeing what happened after Saber bought Tuxedo Labs, I’m not holding my breath for this one.
I tried for about a week: reading documentation, viewing and modifying example programs, using a Rust IDE with warnings for all my silly mistakes, the works. I couldn’t manage to wrap my head around it. It’s so different from what I’m used to. If I could dedicate like a month to learn it I would, but I don’t have the time :/
The problem really is the super exposed hot prong you now have once you plug one end in
What jumped out to me was, in the second photo in particular, the suit Trump is wearing looks overly smooth? Just something about how it looks screams uncanny to me, which is odd cause the faces really don’t.
Yeah! Here’s their GitHub
SuperTuxKart and Mindustry are so much fun!
Almost everything was web based. Being in computer science i did have to write code and compile executables that my TAs running Windows could run; so it wasn’t perfectly smooth. There was also Respondus Lockdown, but I could borrow a laptop from the library to use it.
You made me check the date, if you’d have asked me before now I would have pretty confidently said it was Wednesday
Thanks for the tip!!
From what I understand you always want to keep accidentals as close to their note as you can to decrease chances to misread the notation.
Making me realize I never set up a profile
There’s a project I could have written in Rust. Maybe some of the headache wouldn’t have ever happened using Rust.
I also didn’t know Rust at the time and it was a large project with unkind deadlines. I think the right tool for the job can also depend on available resources. So while the more unsafe, older tool I used caused a few small issues that Rust would not have; the project wouldn’t have been finished if I’d used Rust.
I do believe they were referring quite specifically to the politicians, since on every side it seems politicians are disconnected from their constituents and do things those constituents absolutely wouldn’t (this isn’t some bizarre both-sides argument btw, just general frustration at the state of things)
I’ve seen you a bit on a few of these posts, always defending these companies’ behavior. I tend to disagree with your stance. While I do understand that the infrastructure behind the sites I use is not free (trust me, I run some sites myself and my pitiful little things are expensive), I also do not think punishing users for adblock is justified. Neither is scraping as much data as can be gathered for further sale. Advertising can be very intrusive anymore and data collection from sites is no different. It’s not that the sites want to make money; it’s their insistence that the user is the product. Just pay walling the service would be much less scummy and unjustifiable than this nonsense.
Not as easy of a choice when I’m struggling to get a job :/
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I’d use Desktop if it worked, unfortunately recently it decided that I don’t have read/write access to a repo I’m working on. Works fine in git CLI so idk what the problem there is.
You want to remove the string concatenation operator? Cause that’ll do it
Thanks for absolutely ruining my kink. Now I need to go find a new one.