Do the bottom 50% get no benefit from those taxes?
Interesting how the “tax those with more” crowd always seems to exempt their own income from these rules.
I’m probably just an AI pretending to be human.
Into wandering abandoned places, tinkering with technology, and authoring things for fun and profit.
Do the bottom 50% get no benefit from those taxes?
Interesting how the “tax those with more” crowd always seems to exempt their own income from these rules.
Let’s see. The bottom 50% of wage earners pay about 3% of the total US income taxes. The top 1% pay close to 40% of that burden. As a percentage of income, the top earners pay 25% while the bottom 50% pay around 3.5%. If the bottom 50% didn’t pay in at all, the budget could likely absorb the hit.
What would be fair? 50%? 80%? 90%? 110%? Summary execution and confiscation of assets as seems to be popular in some circles here?
Who got fucked to get you where you are? How much slave labor contributes to your lifestyle? Should we hold you responsible because you put your own comfort before that of those toiling in sweatshops?
Did you need that smartphone more than they needed a living wage? Why don’t you feel the need to give it all back to help people out who will never be as rich as you are right now?
The video speculates without proof and the person behind it clearly has a chip on their shoulder re Oprah. If there are violations of the 501© laws, I recommend reporting the charity to the regulators versus making videos on YouTube that provide as much proof as an antivaxxer pamphlet.
Oprah Winfrey grew up in inner city poverty where she was sexually abused, bounced to different homes, so maybe we don’t pretend her path was easy.
Her current wealth is the result of the decisions she’s made. Not every wealthy person can say that they earned their wealth but as she started with nothing… she can.
Why use yearly salary? You’re not paid once a year, are you? Most likely once a month. Referencing monthly salary makes much more sense.
Except plenty of people don’t get paid monthly? I’ve been paid weekly, every other week, twice a month. I’ve been paid daily, I’ve also been paid per project. Once I was paid whenever i asked. Focusing on yearly salaries offers a convenient reference point.
Linux user here, also once upon a time a Windows admin. I think the most difficult thing for most users is not that Linux is difficult, but that it is different.
Take Pop_OS for example. For the average “I check email and surf the web” user, it works wonderfully. But most people grew on Windows or Mac so its just not what they’re used to. Linux is kind of the stick shift to Windows and Mac’s automatic transmission… its not hard to learn, but most folk don’t choose to make the effort because they don’t need to.
PR is correct. People like companies who work to better society so companies make efforts. Its weirdwhen people then vilify those companies for doing what they’ve been asked to do.