Am Ende des Tages sind’s alles politiker… ich glaube man muss ein gewisser Typ Mensch sein um in der aktuellen Politik nach oben zu kommen, egal welche Partei. Und dieser Typ Mensch ist leider nicht der idealist…
Am Ende des Tages sind’s alles politiker… ich glaube man muss ein gewisser Typ Mensch sein um in der aktuellen Politik nach oben zu kommen, egal welche Partei. Und dieser Typ Mensch ist leider nicht der idealist…
Ganz Ehrlich, wo hat denn die aktuelle Regierung mal so richtig scheiße gebaut? So Andi Scheuer Niveau Scheiße oder lass all unser gas in Russland kaufen scheiße oder CDU Maskenaffäre scheiße? Die schlimmsten Sachen sind wahrscheinlich die, die von der Vorgängerregierung übrig geblieben sind (looking at you SPD, hab nicht vergessen, dass du Teil der Vorgängerregierung warst)
Ich bin mit der aktuellen Regierung so zufrieden wie seit Jahren nicht mehr. Wir haben aktuell vll die progressivste Regierung der Welt, trotz der Unzulänglichkeiten die sie immernoch hat.
Und ich glaube ganz ehrlich das die grünen nur ihre Prinzipien über Board werfen muss weil die am linken Bein die SPD geklammert hat und am rechten die FDP die beide lustig kichern. Und das ist alles immernoch viel viel viel viel viel viel viel besser als das was sich anbahnt
Iirc correctly the monkey cats ( or however they are called ) actually just prefer a specific coffee plant that is more rarely used as the ones used for the vast amount of coffee in the world ( e.g. robusta or arabica). However, if the beans of this variation are used directly, it tastes exactly the same. There is a scientific paper about this. Long story short: people are drinking shat out coffee for no good reason. What is even worse, it is tried to hold these monkey cats in cages to produce more of this coffee. Again for no good reason. But people fall for the marketing pr gang that the coffee is handpicked by those animals, digested and shat out and they would not go for “yeah we need just to use another plant” because it wouldn’t be so exklusive anymore…
We proooooibably could do that if everyone agrees and we all do it together everywhere of the world. Will that happen? No. So we can not agree on that and therefore no big nuclear Masterplan will be build.
Let’s say we also try to get everyone on the full renewable boat, try really hard. Will that work so that everybody agrees? No. So as we can not agree on that no renewables will be built. Wait… Stop… That’s wrong. I still can built renewables even alone on my house. And here is the difference. For the nuclear plan we would almost all all over the world have to agree to make it work. For renewables, it will happen, because we can do it right here right now, everywhere, large scale, small scale. Doesn’t matter. It’s like with gravity and religion. For religion to “work” you need to believe. Gravity will work, if you believe it or not. That’s what gives me at least a little bit hope, renewables are so fucking good, they are unstoppable by now. Question is just if we are fast enough.
How about a mixture of batteries (redox-flow, LiFePo, NaFePO, iron-air, Li-Ion), thermal storage (porous volcanic stone, heated water, liquid salt), mechanical storage (giant rotating masses, compressed air), pumped hydroelectrical storage, power-to-gas or power to liquid(hydrogen or ammonia) and creating interconnected power grids?
That should do. Would not create a single point of failure and prevent having everything in the hands of probably a single entity.
I am on my third usb-module on my phone. Luckily it is replaceable. I would really like the concept of sticking a . in a o (as it is with lightning) than to have an . in a O and fiddling a o between both (as in USB-C). I have never lost a cable through wear and tear so far though…
No, it’s not gaming, it’s gambling. Gaming is if you get exactly what was promised for exactly what you payed. Gambling is if you maybe get what was promised while being disguised in gaming mechanics to be more appealing. And yes, loot boxes in games are gambling and should be banned.
Drauf achten, dass die panels nicht mehr stromstärke raushauen als der wechselrichter abkann. Besonders bei sehr kalten aber doch sehr sonnigen Tagen im Winter killt das sonst den WR weil die panels dann nochmal zweistellige Prozentzahl mehr an Strom raushauen IIRC. Steht aber alles im Datenblatt.
And what is when X decides to ban an account you are interested in? You can’t do anything against it. In your mastodon you could still read it on that instance. Or maybe there is a client where you can add two accounts and show content of both? And do you think X or Bluesky does not cooperate with law enforcement and gives data if the US government wants it?