Depending on what they plan to use the video for, a middle finger can be sufficient.
Depending on what they plan to use the video for, a middle finger can be sufficient.
I tend to agree that this is how it should be, that doesn’t mean that’s how it is. If you walk around with a T-shirt that says “kill all CEOs” along with where to find them, you’re going to run into some trouble, despite being a similar situation- you’re just giving instructions, it’s up to the viewer what to do with them.
I have a shirt with a QR code that goes to a Rick roll. It doesn’t work nearly as well as I’d hoped. Even people trying to scan it have a hard time, forget about anyone scanning it unknowingly. Mr. Astley did in fact let me down.
In my 20s, I (a guy) briefly dated a girl who was hopelessly infatuated with a gay guy. I guess technically it wasn’t a triangle because the gay guy had a pretty serious boyfriend, so more of a quadrangle… She got in between them, got him drunk & got herself knocked up, he “did the right thing” and married her, had another kid, then they got divorced after he had an affair with a guy…
It’s funny, I have her friended on Facebook, mostly because the drama is often entertaining, but I usually keep my comments to myself. When the divorce happened, she made this long post that basically said “woe is me, how could this have happened?” I couldn’t resist responding with “maybe because you married a gay guy?”
I’ve been there. My opponent ended up kneeling before me and admitting defeat.
Wallace. Bet he’s seen some shit.
What even is plain text anymore? If you mean ASCII, ok, but that leaves out a lot. Should it include a minimal utf-8 detector? Utf-16? The latest goofy encoding? Should zcat duplicate the functionality of file? Generally, unix-like commands do one thing, and do it well, combining multiple functions is frowned upon.
How do you propose zcat tell the difference between an uncompressed file and a corrupted compressed file? Or are you saying if it doesn’t recognize it as compressed, just dump the source file regardless? Because that could be annoying.
What’s the difference?
I have this vague memory of one of the CSIs showing a list of IP addresses with 4-digit octets… I get not wanting to risk using real IP addresses, but at least use 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x x
If multiple people are misunderstanding you, maybe you’re not being very clear…
I was skinny when I lived in Boston, but blew up like a balloon when I moved to Arizona.
Fuck off. My favorite meal of the day is breakfast. I’ve been doing without it in an attempt to lose weight for 2 years now. Also making it a point to walk on a treadmill at work twice a day. It is measurable fact I eat less now than I did 2 years ago, and am more active, and yet my weight continues to hover around 300 pounds. 5 years ago I quit smoking cold turkey after 20 years, so it’s not like I lack willpower. But go ahead, tell me all about it.
Science does not, but science gets funding from people with political agendas, so it’s not immune.
What you’re talking about boils down to who to trust. Unfortunately, governments are notorious for abusing such trust. I can’t fault anyone who questions the way things are, and why- assuming of course that they are receptive to answers other than “it’s a government conspiracy to control us.” Not that that’s never true, but it’s certainly not always true.
That’s not what Moore’s law is, that’s one of the (former) effects of it. Moore’s law is about transistor density, and its increase remains roughly constant.
You forgot birds aren’t real.
I don’t know if it’s a gift or a curse, but around my house, I’m the only one who can find anything - but it’s not because I scan the room and see it, but because at some point in the past, I happened to notice, and I just remember where nearly everything is, whether I want to or not. I guess it’s my coping mechanism.