This hurts to read because of how badly written it is. Do you not read what you’ve written?
Save the picture, crop it to the text only and upload it here:
I feel they didn’t intend the picture at all, they found themselves in that situation and their SO, roommate or whatever took it.
I’m absolutely loving it, the combat is great, love the world and graphics, love the exploration.
So you eat nothing else but animal products daily…? What you read reeks of fear-mongering with a good dose of “don’t think about it” thrown in, which clearly worked on you.
“Barista” oat milk has been common for like a decade. How have you both never seen it and never found out about it?
How did you miss the important specificity of “kernel level”? No one is hating on “normal” anti-cheat, but kernel level is not acceptable, which is why just that has been the thing people have hated for several years.
Is just not as good*
Never seen one without a “jump to recipe” button at the top, and I read a lot of recipes. So this is only stupidity on the readers part.
Nah, it’s far more things than just those. I’m guessing the person who made this doesn’t have anyone who’s good at cooking around them. I used to have a friend who was like that, he and his gf only cooked 3 or 4 dishes and they were all bland as fuck. The only spices etc. they had were salt, pepper, thyme and a huge 1-litre box of cheap taco seasoning. Whenever I cooked for them, they were blown away, and I tried giving them some other species, but they never used them.
I’ve never seen one without a 'jump to recipe" button, and it’s done for several reasons like search engine optimization, getting people to spend more time on your website, and you can’t copyright just a recipe, so adding text gives them the ability to protect their work. There are more reasons, and many think it’s as annoying to write all that as you think it is for being there. They’re kinda forced to do it, and some actually have fun with it, I’ve read several funny ones which I absolutely would rather have read than not.
There are many articles about this, and obviously also many posts everywhere on the web asking why it’s a thing with answers explaining it.
But as said, there’s always a button right at the top to skip it. You’re never forced to manually scroll past it and obviously not forced to read any of it.
“Nintendo NES”
Seriously? That’s almost grandma saying “playbox” level. And do you not know what NES is an abbreviation of? Its “Nintendo entertainment system”, which means you wrote “Nintendo Nintendo entertainment system”.
Did you have a stroke while typing that first sentence? Because it certainly feels like having one when reading it.
USA isn’t the richest country…
An unmentioned kinda out-of-the-box thing is Garry’s mod (gmod). Pretty sure there are downloadable models and/or skins for nazis, and you have a ton of tools for fucking them up in the most spectacular ways possible. There are mods for gibbing, better blood and bulletholes and stuff like that. Make Rube Goldberg machines ending in splattered nazis, strap them to rockets, build mediaeval torture devices etc. The fucking up nazi possibilities are endless!
“Is an incredible fun”
Words hard, apparently.
Yep, and doing it in the coolest, funniest ways possible. And doing shit with the bodies like throwing them off high places, shoving them into fireplaces, and gleefully smashing their dead faces.
You drink water because you feel like shit if you don’t. Alcohol is a “feel great for a while, then like shit for longer”, and only if done in moderation and not too often.