Is this perfect cell on namek? What is the context?
Is this perfect cell on namek? What is the context?
It will be interesting to see what happens for sure. It’s hard to imagine there will actually be the tariff + removal of income tax proposal that trump said he would do. I’m not sure any democrat will go for it, so Trump won’t be able to do it if there are any republican defectors in congress, and at least some of them prob won’t do it as it they realize it will destroy the pocketbooks of their donors.
I feel like you had additional context to this question that you meant to add, but just totally forgot.
As it stands, yes of course. If your house in condemned or otherwise subject to eminent domain, if your house is seized to pay creditors for non-mortgage debt (in some states), if somebody else has superior title to your home and you aren’t protected by being a bonafide purchaser, etc.
Hey there team members!
I hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day weekend. Now that you’re back in the office, I’m sure some you are picking up on the new “buzz” around town. I bet some of you can’t even “bee-lieve” it!
Yasss queen, using some of our pizza party budget, we’ve installed all natural honey dispensers into everybody’s desk! But remember to “beehive” yourself and not take too much, so as to not upset our flying friends (Darrell, we’re all wishing you a speedy recovery!).
Anyway, that’s enough “droning” on from me.
Bee seeing you! -hr
One issue from a legal/prosecutorial point of view (even assuming there is a willingness for the government to prosecute) is that the rules of evidence require authentication of documents. In the case of a whistleblower, they are themselves a witness and can authenticate (that is, attest to the genuine nature of) any supporting documents they bring in. If a whistleblower is killed, even if the government has the documents the whistleblower intended to authenticate, it becomes a lot trickier to use.