Excess leads to the tower of wisdom.
That someone hasn’t played Theme Hospital is an absolute travesty, I tell you!
Maybe Fallout 3?
The game is 13 years old. You should have tempered your expectations.
Going through Fable Anniversary, with Fallout 3 waiting in the wings.
It’s a game from 2010… What were you expecting?
The game was outdated when it launched after Uncharted 2.
I play doctor and nurse with my wife. Does that count?
It’s the new normal.
People–whether that’s developers, journalists, or players and readers–will always matter more than what’s in a video game and the coffers that information fattens, whether those coffers belong to hackers or corporations. If that’s true today, it can be true tomorrow too.
I like his brand of naiveté.
No Man’s Sky?
Yeah, but first I’m going to go through the first game.
I’ve played many games this year. The highlighting are:
Consolidations, changing business direction, lack of funds and projects, etc.