Picky people, i will never get them and thats my luck.
Picky people, i will never get them and thats my luck.
Ok fair enough
I did not compare Fallout 4 to New Vegas but to the time it came out. Which is 5 years later btw. New Vegas had a compelling story telling and role playing while Fallout 4 could barely shine with some minor modernizations.
Fallout 4’s more modern gameplay? Oh shut up. They lost me right there. Not that i did not enjoy Fallout 4, do not get me wrong. But it sure is not modern in any way that counts. Quite the opposite. It already feeled aged at release.
If they are talking about individual facebook posts this might be realistic. Not sure how facebook is still around.
Vegan, i aswell am btw.
Agnotology sounds interesting, i now know how i will spent some time on work tomorrow.
Thanks. This video is gold. I watched it a year ago but this is something i should rewatch once in a while.
This sad determinism is bullshit. While it is unlikely that i will find a partner, for reasons i would rather not talk about, it may happen very fast ‘out of the blue’. Nearly happened to me, but it did not work out in the end. Which was again pretty random and surprising. What i am trying to say is, do not beat yourself up about a future that is literally unpredictable and try to enjoy life as much as possible with what you have got.
Sounds like a really strong need for therapy.
In the meantime would you be willing to elaborate on whats making you depressed?
Potential targets? Sir, thats everybody.