Your average science guy, Linux nerd, and Minecraft player. Left Reddit for this place and haven’t looked back. :)
What job, if any, do you have? Do you like it or not, and why?
Sorry, turn your head up π/2 radians.
One day you’ll not have had sex for the last day of your life.
I wholeheartedly agree with you, which means this isn’t much of an unpopular opinion, so downvoted.
I think it’s the percent of your kinetic energy you lose with each stride. I have no idea how that would be measured, but it makes the most sense.
r/unpopularopinion is for posting mostly popular opinions that some people nonetheless disagree with. Truly unpopular opinions, even well thought out ones, almost always get downvoted.
Especially when the video is only 15 seconds long. Has the average attention span really fallen so far that one can’t wait like 10 seconds for the funny part? (The answer is yes, I know, I’ve seen kids scrolling through TikTok and skipping a video after just a second or two).
Is this some Bedrock joke I’m too Java to understand?
Maybe puzzles? I’m not sure whether that’s what you’re going for, but it could fit.
That’s a great question, all I can find is information on the R-value required for insulation around the hive to keep the bees nice and warm in the winter. Clearly more research must be done!
Regardless of how goth you are, that’s a banger of a song.
Just spin up your own instance and don’t federate with any others! That’s the beauty of the fediverse, you can do stuff like that.
You’re assuming all women of sufficient age have had sex, which is just not true. Many women (and men) don’t have an interest in sexual activity, or haven’t had an opportunity to engage in it, regardless of age.
Generally students will get financial aid and scholarships that cover much of the cost of tuition, especially if they’re from a lower income family. I’m guessing that, as an international student from a wealthier family, your son didn’t quality for much aid. Tuition is also generally lower for residents of the state, which he also wouldn’t qualify as.
Even with all that it’s still incredibly expensive and lots of people end up having to take out large loans or work jobs while in college to cover the cost.
A plastic bag in a metal container sounds about as sanitary as it gets. It’s far better to keep the tea in a sterile bag until it’s needed rather than pouring it into another, potentially contaminated, container and storing it there.
True, though you’ll probably be recorded by security cameras if you buy it in a physical store.
There’s no way that’s real, it’s an interesting concept though. Being trapped in your body and unable to interact with the outside world for decades would be horrifying.