You’ll never find hidden stashes of weed or cocaine. However the stashes of lead will find you if you follow your dog towards stashes of weed or cocaine.
You’ll never find hidden stashes of weed or cocaine. However the stashes of lead will find you if you follow your dog towards stashes of weed or cocaine.
Could have been the new owner who dumped a retired K9 at the pound, perhaps since sometimes those dogs have PTSD and can be more of a challenge than expected, or the owner died. Animals wind up in odd places for many reasons.
On a dog’s brain? Who even knows?
Put the food bowl in there. He’ll feel validated, like he hit the jackpot/final level, and it will desensitise him. 2 birds.
I gave up on this conversation years ago.
Fine, for the sake of argument, I’m a liberal, because I don’t want to give you 45 extra minutes of my time in this comment section to try and explain the difference when I know you’ll ignore most of what I say anyhow, and derail us from the point I was actually trying to make. If I’m a liberal in your mind, so be it. My point stands.
Also, toddlers make for amazing meat shields. Nobody can deny that. What sort of monster would shoot you in the head when there’s a toddler protecting it? That’s just simple logic.
There’s nothing wrong with relying on one another so long as we can, you know, rely on one another.
That’s the whole point of society and why we’ve been so successful as a species. Division is our only real weakness.
That’s a really unhealthy colour. You should get that checked.
Godammit Kevin.
Well then at least have the decency to stay in your home, rather than subject us immunocompromised to another round of dodging a minefield of disease incubators.
(Copying my comment on a similar, older post, because I really want to share this info again since I think it’s fascinating:)
The notion that the early formation of societies was based on security rather than empathy is outdated. Compassion has many evolutionary advantages, especially in primate species where offspring are born vulnerable. It’s clearly evident in other primates who live in groups (or ‘societies’), as a driving force of cooperation and group cohesion.
Here’s a recent paper (2022) by Penny Spikins, PhD at the University of York, Department of Archaeology, that explores how compassion shaped early human evolution and the formation of societies: The Evolutionary Basis for Human Empathy, Compassion and Generosity.
And here’s another from 2011 by Goetz et al that explores in detail the evolutionary advantages of compassion: Compassion: An Evolutionary Analysis and Empirical Review.
Those papers are both fascinating reads, and I highly recommend them for a deeper understanding of why and how empathy is crucial to our success as a species.
(For a couple of centuries, the narrative has been humans are warlike and that’s what dominated our development, but that’s simply not true. We’ve been that way for the past couple thousand years, but largely not before that. I’ll leave up to the reader what significant ‘development’ coincided with that shift in our overall behaviour.)
I’m so insecure I always buy 2x any sticker I like in case I decide wrong. I have a drawer with backup stickers. I’m being completely serious.
My response isn’t showing because I’m a dipshit: I said:
I’m with you.
I don’t think I meant to delete my comment; I’ve been drinking too.
I’m with you.
I don’t think I meant to delete my comment; I’ve been drinking too.
Not in science, you can’t. Only in the colloquial versions of those words.
Right, I think I wasn’t clear. I didn’t mean farming karma here, I meant posting here to copy Lemmy comments to post on Reddit to farm karma there.
If you want good karma with top comments that won’t be immediately called out as stolen from another Reddit thread, maybe, since some people have got wise to that? I dunno. I’m probably giving this more brain power than I should (eta because of all the reddit repost bots in my feed lately, probably.)
It’s been decades, but… you press the button, spin to the station, then release the button?
Am I remembering correctly or should I check into the home now?
Bullets. We’re talking about bullets.